No. 285, Victims of Crime
- Lessons Learned on the Methodological Challenges in Studying Rare Violent Incidents, by Basia E. Lopez, Danielle M. Crimmins, Aisha J. Qureshi, and Nadine Frederique
- The Roles of Trauma and Mental Health in Preventing Domestic Radicalization and Violent Extremism, by Alisa B. Miller, David P. Eisenman, Ryan A. Brown, and Steven Weine
- Research and Practitioner Perspectives on the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Criminal and Violent Extremists, by Kevin D. Lowry, Mublin Shaikh, and Raven A. Lewis
- Comparing Violent Extremism and Terrorism to Other Forms of Targeted Violence, by B. Heidi Ellis, Edna Erez, John Horgan, Gary LaFree, and Ramón Spaaij
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Programs To Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism, by Max Erdemandi; Elena Savoia, M.D.; and Michael J. Williams, Ph.D.
- What NIJ Research Tells Us About Domestic Terrorism, by Steven Chermak, Matthew DeMichele, Jeff Gruenewald, Michael Jensen, Raven Lewis, and Basia E. Lopez
- Advances in Detecting and Identifying Explosives After an Attack, by John Goodpaster and Elizabeth Pearsall
No. 284, Justice System
- "Courtroom Communities: Criminal Case Processing and Sentencing Reform," by Nancy Merritt
- "A New View of Jails: Exploring Complexity in Jail-Based Research," by Reena Chackraborty
- "The History and Legacy of the Latent Fingerprint Black Box Study," by Lucas Zarwell and Gregory Dutton
- "Reentry Research at NIJ: Providing Robust Evidence for High-Stakes Decision-Making," by Eric Martin and Marie Garcia
- "NIJ’s Courts Research: Examining Alternatives to Incarceration for Veterans and Other Policy Innovation," by Linda Truitt
- "Improving the Collection of Digital Evidence," by Martin Novak
No. 283, Children and Youth
- "Dual System Youth: At the Intersection of Child Maltreatment and Delinquency ," by Barbara Tatum Kelley and Paul A. Haskins
- "Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: An Incomplete Picture of a Pressing Global Problem," by Nadine Frederique and Beth Pearsall
- "Mentoring Programs for Youth: A Promising Intervention for Delinquency Prevention," by David L. DuBois
- "Examining the Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Involvement in the Justice System," by Phelan Wyrick and Kadee Atkinson
- "School Safety: Research on Gathering Tips and Addressing Threats," by Mary Poulin Carlton
- "Advancing the Collection of Juvenile Justice Data," by Benjamin Adams
No. 282: Violent Crime
In this issue, our scientists share some of the latest evidence on violent crime.
- "What Do the Data Reveal About Violence in Schools?," by Nadine Frederique
- "Using Forensic Intelligence To Combat Serial and Organized Violent Crimes," by Basia E. Lopez, Jonathan G. McGrath, and Veronica G. Taylor
- "Understanding Domestic Radicalization and Terrorism: A National Issue Within a Global Context," by Aisha Javed Qureshi
- "Serial Killer Connections Through Cold Cases," by Eric Martin, Dawn Elizabeth Schwarting, and Ruby J Chase
- "Advancing Mass Shooting Research To Inform Practice," by Basia E. Lopez, Danielle M. Crimmins, and Paul A. Haskins
- "Functional Family Therapy–Gangs: Adapting an Evidence-Based Program To Reduce Gang Involvement," by Mary Carlton
- "New Approaches to Policing High-Risk Intimate Partner Victims and Offenders," by Christopher D. Maxwell, Tami P. Sullivan, Bethany L. Backes, and Joy S. Kaufman
No. 281: Celebrating NIJ's 50th Anniversary
NIJ has played a critical role in informing criminal justice policy and practice since its inception in 1968. This special edition of the NIJ Journal commemorates the Institute’s 50th anniversary. The articles highlight the history, evolution, and role of NIJ research over the past half-century across the full spectrum of criminal justice issues and look ahead to the next 50 years of rigorous research.
- A Brief History of NIJ
- Building a Culture of Interagency Cooperation: NIJ as Catalyst, by Paul A. Haskins
- Conducted Energy Devices: Policies on Use Evolve to Reflect Research and Field Deployment Experience, by Paul A. Haskins
- From Crime Mapping to Crime Forecasting: The Evolution of Place-Based Policing, by Joel Hunt
- Crime Victim Awareness and Assistance Through the Decades, by Stacy Lee
- Employing Research To Understand Violence Against Women, by Rianna P. Starheim
- Fighting Stress in the Law Enforcement Community, by Jim Dawson
- Identifying New Illicit Drugs and Sounding the Alarm in Real Time, by Jim Dawson
- Making Schools Safe for Students, by Blair Ames
- NIJ-Funded Research Examines What Works for Successful Reentry, by Blair Ames
- Problem-Solving Courts: Fighting Crime by Treating the Offender, by Paul A. Haskins
- Research Will Shape the Future of Proactive Policing, by Paul A. Haskins
- Searching for the Missing in a City of Millions, by Jim Dawson
No. 280, Law Enforcement and Policing
In this issue, our scientists and staff share some of the latest developments in policing and law enforcement.
- Body-Worn Cameras: What the Evidence Tells Us, by Brett Chapman
- Body Armor: Protecting Our Nation’s Officers From Ballistic Threats, by Mark Greene
- Improving Officer Safety on the Roadways, by Brian Montgomery
- Research in the Ranks: Empowering Law Enforcement to Drive Their Own Scientific Inquiry, by Maureen Q. McGough
- Using Officer-Driven Research to Meet Policing Challenges , by Lt. Jason Potts
- New Approaches to Digital Evidence Acquisition and Analysis, by Martin Novak, Jonathan Grier, and Daniel Gonzales
- Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice Needs, by Christopher Rigano
Issue No. 279, Forensic Sciences
In this issue, our scientists share some of the latest evidence on forensic science and its impact on the justice system.
- Wrongful Convictions and DNA Exonerations: Understanding the Role of Forensic Science, by Gerald M. LaPorte
- Using Advanced Imaging Technologies to Enhance Autopsy Practices, by Danielle Weiss, Danielle McLeod-Henning, and Heather Waltke
- The Next Generation of Crime Tools and Challenges: 3D Printing, by Ruby J. Chase and Gerald LaPorte
- Lost but Not Forgotten: Finding the Nation’s Missing, by Danielle Weiss, Dawn Schwarting, Charles Heurich, and Heather Waltke
- Uncertainty Ahead: A Shift in How Federal Scientific Experts Can Testify, by Danielle Weiss and Gerald LaPorte
- The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Forensic Sciences, by Iris R. Wagstaff and Gerald LaPorte
Issue No. 278, May 2017
In this issue, our scientists have partnered to share some of the latest evidence and thinking about issues within institutional corrections.
Message from the Acting Director.
Message from Office Directors.
- Reflections on Colorado's Administrative Segregation Study, by Maureen O'Keefe
- Hidden Consequences: The Impact of Incarceration on Dependent Children, by Eric Martin
- Identifying At-Risk Officers: Can It Be Done in Corrections?, by Jack Harne
- The Role of Equipment Performance Standards in Correctional Settings, by Jack Harne and Mark Greene
- Identifying Technology Needs and Innovations to Advance Corrections, by Jack Harne
- The Importance of a Holistic Safety, Health, and Wellness Research Program, Cara Altimus, William Ford, Brett Chapman, and George Tillery
- Harnessing the Power of Technology in Institutional Corrections, by Nancy La Vigne
Issue No. 277, September 2016
- Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men, by André B. Rosay
- Forensic Science: A Time of Transformation, by Jim Dawson
- How Prevalent Is Campus Sexual Assault in the United States?, by Lisa Fedina, Jennifer Lynne Holmes and Bethany Backes
- Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work in Criminal Justice? A New Analysis from, by Thomas Feucht and Tammy Holt
- Collective Efficacy: Taking Action to Improve Neighborhoods, by Brian R. Higgins and Joel Hunt
- NIJ Issues a Revised Bomb Suit Equipment Standard, by Brian Montgomery
Issue No. 276, December 2015
In this issue:
- Fighting Crime With Science, by Jim Dawson
- Looking for the Link: The Impact of Foreclosures on Neighborhood Crime Rates, by Farhana Qazi, April L. Trotter and Joel Hunt
- Tracking Movements With Isotopes, by Jim Dawson
- Evaluating the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center, by Terry Taylor and Carrie Mulford
- Testing a Concept and Beyond: Can the Criminal Justice System Adopt a Nonblaming Practice?, by Nancy Ritter
- Using Research To Move Policing Forward, by Captain James Nolette
- NIJ Funding: Supporting Emerging Scientists, Building Our Future, by John M. Butler
Issue No. 275, September 2015
In this issue find:
- Helping At-Risk Youth Say "No" to Gangs, by Brian Higgins
- Plan for Program Evaluation from the Start, by Alison Brooks Martin
- Magneto-Optical Sensors Bring Obliterated Serial Numbers Back to Life, by Jim Dawson
- An Inside Look at Creating Standards for Equipment, by Sarah B. Berson
- Social Science Research on Forensic Science: The Story Behind One of NIJ’s Newest Research Portfolios, by Kathy Browning
- GPS Supervision in California: One Technology, Two Contrasting Goals, by Stephen Gies
- Research Designs in the Real World: Testing the Effectiveness of an IPV Intervention, by Jill Theresa Messing, Jacquelyn Campbell and Janet Sullivan Wilson
Issue 274, December 2014
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
- Study Identifies Ways to Improve ATF Ballistic Evidence Program, by Nancy Ritter
- The Science Behind Firearm and Tool Mark Examination, by Nancy Ritter
- Services for IPV Victims: Encouraging Stronger Research Methods to Produce More Valid Results, by Melissa Rorie, Bethany Backes and Jaspreet Chahal
- Addressing the Impact of Wrongful Convictions on Crime Victims, by Seri Irazola, Erin Williamson, Julie Stricker and Emily Niedzwiecki
- How NIJ Is Building the Nation's Research Infrastructure, by Andrew Marcoux
- NIJ Challenges: Generating Innovative Solutions to Criminal Justice Problems, by Rustum Nyquist
- Homeland Security in Small Law Enforcement Agencies: Preparedness and Proximity to Big-City Peers, by George W. Burruss, Joseph A. Schafer, Matthew J. Giblin and Melissa R. Haynes
Issue 273, March 2014
- NIJ's Sentinel Events Initiative: Looking Back to Look Forward, by James M. Doyle
- 'Cultural Shift' Is Among Findings of Second Chance Act Evaluation, by Nancy Ritter
- Changing Course: Keeping Kids Out of Gangs, by Nancy Ritter, Thomas R. Simon, and Reshma R. Mahendra
- Solving Cold Cases with DNA: The Boston Strangler Case, by Philip Bulman
- Replicating HOPE: Can Others Successfully Implement Hawaii’s Innovative Program?, by Beth Pearsall
- Winnie Reed: More Than 40 Years of Contributions to NIJ, by Nancy Ritter
- Healthy Communities May Make Safe Communities: Public Health Approaches to Violence Prevention, by Sarah Schweig
- Through Their Eyes: How Prisoners Make Sense of Their Incarceration, by Nadine Frederique and Lori Sexton
No. 272, September 2013
- Partners in Research: Lessons Learned in Los Angeles, by Bethany Backes and Melissa Rorie
- New Orleans Sexual Assault Evidence Project: Results and Recommendations, by Nancy Ritter
- Evaluating Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Programs, by Beth Pearsall
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Criminal Justice Reforms, by John Roman
- Beyond the Sentence - Understanding Collateral Consequences, by Sarah B. Berson
- NIJ's Innovative Research Spans Variety of Forensic Fields, by Philip Bulman
No. 271, February 2013
- Predicting Recidivism Risk: New Tool in Philadelphia Shows Great Promise
by Nancy Ritter - Ballistic Body Armor: A Closer Look at the Follow-Up Inspection and Testing Program
by Michelle Coppola - Sex Offenders Monitored by GPS Found to Commit Fewer Crimes
by Philip Bulman - Ending Modern-Day Slavery: Using Research to Inform U.S. Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts
by Maureen McGough - The Pitfalls of Prediction
by Greg Ridgeway - The Grant Progress Assessment Program: Looking Back on Success and Moving Forward
by Patricia Kashtan, Jolene Hernon and Beth Pearsall - Kristen M. Zgoba Wins the Peter P. Lejins Research Award
by Marilyn C. Moses
No. 270, June 2012
- Solving Sexual Assaults: Finding Answers Through Research, by Nancy Ritter
- Collecting DNA From Arrestees: Implementation Lessons, by Julie Samuels, Elizabeth Davies, Dwight Pope and Ashleigh Holand
- To Err is Human: Using Science to Reduce Mistaken Eyewitness Identifications Through Police Lineups, by Maureen McGough
- In Search of a Job: Criminal Records as Barriers to Employment, by Amy L. Solomon
- Preventing Children's Exposure to Violence: The Defending Childhood Initiative, by Sarah B. Berson, Jolene Hernon and Beth Pearsall
- The Economist's Guide to Crime Busting, by Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig
- Sleep Disorders, Work Shifts and Officer Wellness, by Beth Pearsall
- Geography, Spatial Analytics and Technology: NIJ's Mapping and Analysis
No. 269, March 2012
- Study Raises Questions About Psychological Effects of Solitary Confinement, by Philip Bulman, Marie Garcia and Jolene Hernon
- Applying Carbon Dating to Recent Human Remains
by Philip Bulman with Danielle McLeod-Henning - Being Smart on Crime With Evidence-based Policing
by Chief Jim Bueermann (Ret.) - HOPE: A Swift and Certain Process for Probationers
by Kevin McEvoy - Improving Access to Services for Female Offenders Returning to the Community
by Marie Garcia with Nancy Ritter - In Brief: Law 101: Legal Guide for the Forensic Expert
by Doris Wells - Solving Crime Problems With Research
No. 268, October 2011
- Responding to Transnational Organized Crime — Supporting Research, Improving Practice, by John T. Picarelli
- Reconsidering the Project Greenlight Intervention: Why Thinking About Risk Matters, by James A. Wilson and Christine Zozula
- Strengthening NIJ: Mission, Science and Process, by John H. Laub
- Improving NIJ’s Peer Review Process: The Scientific Review Panel Pilot Project, by Thomas E. Feucht and Phyllis Newton
- Beyond the Prison Bubble, by Joan Petersilia
- Final Findings From the Expert Panel on the Safety of Conducted Energy Devices, by Brian Higgins
- Indigent Defense: International Perspectives and Research Needs, by Maureen McGough
No. 267, March 2011
- Police Use of Force: The Impact of Less-Lethal Weapons and Tactics, by Philip Bulman
- Toward a Better Way to Interview Child Victims of Sexual Abuse, by Sara Harris
- In Brief: Block by Block: Zeroing in on Crime Trends, by Philip Bulman
- Solving the Problem of Untested Evidence in Sexual Assaults, by Nancy Ritter
- Extending the Time to Collect DNA in Sexual Assault Cases, by Terry Taylor
- Minimizing the Risks of Hazardous Materials: The CBRN Standard, by Philip Bulman
- Improving Forensic Death Investigation, by Beth Pearsall
- In Brief: Expanding Research by Sharing Data
No. 266, June 2010
- Perspectives on Civil Protective Orders in Domestic Violence Cases: The Rural and Urban Divide, by Nikki Hawkins
- The National Institute of Justice Commemorates the 15th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act
- Men Who Murder Their Families: What the Research Tells Us, by Bernie Auchter
- Voices From the Field: Stalking, by Michelle M. Garcia
- Predictive Policing: The Future of Law Enforcement?, by Beth Pearsall
- Making Sense of DNA Backlogs — Myths vs. Reality, by Mark Nelson
- In Brief: Hawaii HOPE, by Philip Bulman
- Untested Evidence: Not Just a Crime Lab Issue, by Nancy Ritter
- David Weisburd Wins the Stockholm Prize in Criminology, by Yolanda Curtis
NIJ Journal No. 265, April 2010
- Elder Abuse Emerges From the Shadows of Public Consciousness, by Philip Bulman
- Keeping Officers Safe on the Road, by Beth Pearsall
- In Brief: Indian Country Research, by Sarah B. Berson
- Organizational Learning and Islamic Militancy, by Michael Kenney
- Preventing Future Crime With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, by Patrick Clark
- The Long View of Crime. by Pat Kaufman
NIJ Journal No. 264, November 2009
- Solving Missing Persons Cases, by Beth Pearsall with Danielle Weiss
- Debating DNA Collection, by Sarah B. Berson
- Increasing Sexual Assault Prosecution Rates, by Philip Bulman
- From Battlefield to Homefront: Mobile Laboratories Are Changing the Way We Respond to Crisis, by Billy Cote
- CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings, by Nancy Ritter
- The Future of Terrorism, by John T. Picarelli
NIJ Journal No. 263, June 2009
- Getting Ready: How Arizona Has Created a 'Parallel Universe' for Inmates, by Dora Schriro
- 'Redemption' in an Era of Widespread Criminal Background Checks, by Alfred Blumstein and Kiminori Nakamura
- Standardizing Parole Violation Sanctions, by David Fialkoff
- Using 911 Calls to Detect Terrorism Threats, by Kevin J. Strom, John Hollywood and Mark Pope
- Preventing Neighborhood Crime: Geography Matters, by Ronald E. Wilson and Timothy H. Brown, with Beth Schuster
NIJ Journal No. 262, March 2009
- Sex Trafficking: Identifying Cases and Victims, by Robert Moossy, J.D.
- Drugs, Race and Common Ground: Reflections on the High Point Intervention, by David Kennedy
- Postconviction DNA Testing Is at Core of Major NIJ Initiatives, by Nancy Ritter
- Sleep Deprivation: What Does It Mean for Public Safety Officers?, by Bryan Vila, Ph.D.
- Protecting America's Ports, by Bruce Taylor, Ph.D., and Pat Kaufman
- Using Technology to Make Prisons and Jails Safer, by Philip Bulman
- Preventing, Preparing for Critical Incidents in Schools, by Beth Schuster
NIJ Journal No. 261, October 2008
- DNA Solves Property Crimes (But Are We Ready for That?), by Nancy Ritter
- Prisoner Radicalization: Assessing the Threat in U.S. Correctional Institutions, by Mark S. Hamm, Ph.D.
- Medical Panel Issues Interim Findings on Stun Gun Safety. by John Morgan, Ph.D.
- Communicating Across State and County Lines: The Piedmont Regional Voice over Internet Protocol Project, by Philip Bulman
- Interagency Coordination: Lessons Learned From the 2005 London Train Bombings, by Kevin J. Strom, Ph.D., and Joe Eyerman, Ph.D.
- Teen Dating Violence: A Closer Look at Adolescent Romantic Relationships, by Carrie Mulford, Ph.D., and Peggy C. Giordano, Ph.D.
- Calming Down: Could Sedative Drugs Be a Less-Lethal Option?, by Danielle M. Weiss, J.D.
NIJ Journal No. 260, July 2008
- A Look at Terrorist Behavior: How They Prepare, Where They Strike, by Brent Smith, Ph.D.
- Interagency Coordination: A Case Study of the 2005 London Train Bombings
by Kevin J. Strom, Ph.D., and Joe Eyerman, Ph.D. - 'Internationalizing' Criminal Justice Research, by Philip Bulman
- Expert Systems Help Labs Process DNA Samples, by Rhonda K. Roby
- Cold Cases: Resources for Agencies, Resolution for Families, by Charles Heurich
- Cold Cases: Strategies Explored at NIJ Regional Trainings, by Beth Schuster
NIJ Journal No. 259, March 2008
- ‘The CSI Effect’: Does It Really Exist?, by Honorable Donald E. Shelton
- Voice Stress Analysis: Only 15 Percent of Lies About Drug Use Detected in Field Test, by Kelly R. Damphousse, Ph.D.
- Shopping Malls: Are They Prepared to Prevent and Respond to Attack?, by Robert C. Davis
- Software Defined Radios Help Agencies Communicate, by Joseph Heaps
- Prison Rape: Research Explores Prevalence, Prevention, by Pat Kaufman
- In Memoriam: Paul Cascarano, by Mary G. Graham
- Cost, Performance Studies Look at Prison Privatization, by Gerry Gaes, Ph.D.
NIJ Journal. 258, October 2007
- Police Lineups: Making Eyewitness Identification More Reliable
by Beth Schuster - Sexual Assault: Virtual Training Takes Responders From Exam Room to Courtroom
by Kristina Rose - Taking the Initiative: Practitioners Who Perform Frontline Research
by Lois A. Tully, Ph.D. - Through-the-Wall Surveillance: A New Technology for Saving Lives
by Christopher A. Miles - Detecting Concealed Weapons: Directions for the Future
by Chris Tillery - Major Study Examines Prisoners and Their Reentry Needs
by Christy A. Visher, Ph.D., and Pamela K. Lattimore, Ph.D. - Forensic Databases: Paint, Shoe Prints, and Beyond
by Robin Bowen and Jessica Schneider
NIJ Journal No. 257, June 2007
- Habilitation or Harm: Project Greenlight and the Potential Consequences of Correctional Programming
- Hate Crime in America: The Debate Continues
- Al Blumstein: 40 Years of Contributions to Criminal Justice
- The 40th Anniversary of the Crime Report
- Study Reveals Unique Issues Faced by Deaf Victims of Sexual Assault
- LAPD Chief Bratton Speaks Out: What’s Wrong With Criminal Justice Research—and How to Make It Right
- Factories Behind Fences: Do Prison ‘Real Work’ Programs Work?
- Agroterrorism—Why We’re Not Ready: A Look at the Role of Law Enforcement
- Helping Inmates Obtain Federal Medical Benefits Postrelease
NIJ Journal No. 256, January 2007
- Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains: The Nation’s Silent Mass Disaster
by Nancy Ritter - Making Every Encounter Count: Building Trust and Confidence in the Police
by Jake Horowitz - Sexual Assault in Abusive Relationships
by Lauren R. Taylor with Nicole Gaskin-Laniyan - Online DNA Training Targets Lawyers, Judges
by Glenn R. Schmitt - Identifying Remains: Lessons Learned From 9/11
by Nancy Ritter
NIJ Journal No. 255, November 2006
- Can Jury Trial Innovations Improve Juror Understanding of DNA Evidence?
- Preparing for the Future: Criminal Justice in 2040
- Does Parental Incarceration Increase a Child’s Risk for FosterCare Placement?
- Elder Abuse in the United States
- Understanding and Applying Research on Prostitution
- Corrections Today Features NIJ Articles
NIJ Journal No. 254, July 2006
- Analyzing Terror: Researchers Study the Perpetrators and the Effects of Suicide Terrorism
by Michael S. Hronick - Keeping an Eye on School Security: The Iris Recognition Project in New Jersey Schools
by Jeffrey P. Cohn - Maximize Your Evaluation Dollars
by Edwin Zedlewski with Mary B. Murphy - Digital Evidence: How Law Enforcement Can Level the Playing Field With Criminals
by Nancy Ritter - Methamphetamine Abuse: Challenges for Law Enforcement and Communities
by Dana E. Hunt - Has Rape Reporting Increased Over Time?
by Lauren R. Taylor
NIJ Journal No. 253, January 2006
- DNA Analysis for “Minor” Crimes: A Major Benefit for Law Enforcement
by Edwin Zedlewski and Mary B. Murphy - Tracking Prisoners in Jail With Biometrics: An Experiment in a Navy Brig
by Christopher A. Miles and Jeffrey P. Cohn - Predicting a Criminal’s Journey to Crime
- Victim Satisfaction With the Criminal Justice System
- Police Responses to Officer-Involved Shooting
by David Klinger - Automated Information Sharing: Does It Help Law Enforcement Officers Work Better?
by Martin J. Zaworski
NIJ Journal No. 252, July 2005
- Reentry Programs for Women Inmates
- The Voice Response Translator: A Valuable Police Tool
by Mark P. Cohen - Telemarketing Predators: Finally, We've Got Their Number
- Truth in Sentencing and State Sentencing Practices
by Katherine J. Rosich and Kamala Mallik Kane - Special Technologies for Law Enforcement and Corrections
by William Falcon - Tracking Modern Day Slavery
by Kevin Bales - Prosecutors' Programs Ease Victims' Anxieties
by Marcia R. Chaiken, Barbara Boland, Michael D. Maltz, Susan Martin, and Joseph Tragonski - The Decline of Intimate Partner Homicide
by William Wells and William DeLeon-Granados
NIJ Journal No. 251, July 2004
Download the entire issue 251 (PDF)
- Youth Gangs in Rural America (PDF)
- What Does It Take to Make Collaboration Work? Lessons Learned Through the Criminal Justice System Project (PDF)
- The Campbell Collaboration: Helping to Understand “What Works” (PDF)
- The Data Resources Program: Making Data Available to Researchers (PDF)
- Child Custody Mediation and Domestic Violence (PDF)
- Another Look at the Effects of Child Abuse (PDF)
- Why Do Hung Juries Hang? (PDF)
- Problem-Oriented Policing Succeeds in Public Housing (PDF)
- Conducting Frugal Evaluations of Programs (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 250, November 2003
Download the entire issue 250 (PDF)
Director’s Message Issue 250 (PDF)
- Intimate Partner Homicide: An Overview (PDF)
- How Can Practitioners Help an Abused Woman Lower Her Risk of Death? (PDF)
- Risky Mix: Drinking, Drug Use, and Homicide (PDF)
- Assessing Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Homicide (PDF)
- Do Domestic Violence Services Save Lives? (PDF)
- Reviewing Domestic Violence Deaths (PDF)
- NCJRS — Sharing Information for More Than 30 Years (PDF)
- Cross-Cultural Issues in Domestic Violence (PDF)
- Florida Sheriffs Take on Child Abuse Investigations (PDF)
- The Gentrification of Drug Markets (PDF)
- Evaluating Multijurisdictional Drug Enforcement Task Forces (PDF)
- Social Changes and Their Effects on Homicide Rates (PDF)
- Getting Residents’ Feedback and Participation (PDF)
- Crime Victims Compensation Programs Needs Assessed (PDF)
- Measuring the Effects of Quality-of-Life Policing (PDF)
- Studying Racial Profiling in North Carolina (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 249, July 2003
Download the entire issue 249 (PDF)
Director’s Message Issue 249 (PDF)
- Without a Trace? Advances in Detecting Trace Evidence (PDF)
- DNA Evidence: What Law Enforcement Officers Should Know (PDF)
- CCTV: Constant Cameras Track Violators (PDF)
- NIJ’s Bullet-Resistant Vest Standard Reaches Milestone (PDF)
- Alcohol Control Policies and Violent Crime (PDF)
- Binge Drinking in the Northern Plains Tribes (PDF)
- Using Geographic Analysis in Probation and Parole (PDF)
- Community Policing, Then and Now (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 248, March 2002
Download the entire issue 248 (PDF)
Director’s Message Issue 248 (PDF)
- Prosecutors, Kids, and Domestic Violence Cases (PDF)
- Preventing School Shootings: A Summary of a U.S. Secret Service Safe School Initiative Report (PDF)
- Tired Cops: The Prevalence and Potential Consequences of Police Fatigue (PDF)
- Trust and Confidence in Criminal Justice (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 247, April 2001
Download the entire issue 247 (PDF)
Director’s Message Issue 247 (PDF)
- Challenging the Russian Mafia Mystique (PDF)
- The Changing Federal Role in Indian Country (PDF)
- When It’s No Longer A Game: Pathological Gambling in the United States (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 246, January 2001
Download the entire issue 246 (PDF)
Director’s Message Issue 246 (PDF)
- Policing on American Indian Reservations (PDF)
- The “Natasha” Trade: Transnational Sex Trafficking (PDF)
- Police Turnover in Isolated Communities: The Alaska Experience (PDF)
- Creating Winning Innovations in Criminal Justice (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 245, October 2000
Download the entire issue 245 (PDF)
- Harnessing Information in a Prosecutor’s Office (PDF)
- Methamphetamine: An Update on an Emerging Problem (PDF)
- Getting to Know Neighborhoods (PDF)
- Measuring Violence Against Women: Recommendations from an Interagency Workshop (PDF)
- Toward the Ideal of Community Justice (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 244, July 2000
Download the entire issue 244 (PDF)
- Meeting the Challenge of Transnational Crime (PDF)
- Keeping the Peace: Police Discretion and Mentally Ill Persons (PDF)
- Getting Smarter: Making Guns Safer for Law Enforcement and Consumers (PDF)
- Reducing Offender Drug Use Through Prison-Based Treatment (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 243, April 2000
Download the entire issue 243 (PDF)
- Clearing Up Homicide Clearance Rates (PDF)
- Drug-Facilitated Rape: Looking for the Missing Pieces (PDF)
- Can We Talk? Public Safety and the Interoperability Challenge (PDF)
- Departing Thoughts From an NIJ Director (PDF)
- Youth Violence: Do Parents and Families Make a Difference? (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 242, January 2000
Download the entire issue 242 (PDF)
- Childhood Victimization: Early Adversity, Later Psychopathology (PDF)
- Crunching Numbers: Crime and Incarceration at the End of the Millennium (PDF)
- On-the-Job Stress in Policing—Reducing It, Preventing It (PDF)
- Community Oriented Lawyering: An Emerging Approach to Legal Practice (PDF)
- Piecing Together the Cross-National Crime Puzzle (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 241, October 1999
Download the entire issue 241 (PDF)
- Mapping the Path to Problem Solving (PDF)
- Reducing Drug Use in Prisons: Pennsylvania’s Approach (PDF)
- Using Knowledge and Teamwork to Reduce Crime (PDF)
- The Pickett Fellowships: Cultivating Effective Leaders in Criminal Justice (PDF)
NIJ Journal No. 240, July 1999
Download the entire issue 240 (PDF)
- Job Placement for Offenders: A Promising Approach to Reducing Recidivism and Correctional Costs
- Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Emergence of Problem-Solving Courts
- Private Funding for Criminal Justice Initiatives: What You Should Know About the Grantseeking Process
- The Public Health and Law Enforcement Stress
- International Drug Use: Comparing British and American Arrestees
- New & Noteworthy, Events, Solicitations & Awards, and NIJ in the Journals
NIJ Journal No. 239, April 1999
Download the entire issue 239 (PDF)
- Community Policing: Chicago’s Experience
- Drug Use Measures: What Are They Really Telling Us?
- Can Telemedicine Reduce Spending and Improve Prisoner Health Care?
- Race, Crime, and the Administration of Justice
NIJ Journal No. 238, January 1999
Download the entire issue 238 (PDF)
- NIJ’s Locally Initiated Research Partnerships in Policing—Factors That Add up to Success
- Going Mobile in Law Enforcement Technology
- Forensic DNA Evidence: National Commission Explores Its Future
- Research Preview: Information Information Sharing Among Police Agencies
- New & Noteworthy, NIJ Awards, Solicitations, Final Reports, Events, NIJ in the Journals, and Recent NIJ Publications
NIJ Journal No. 237, October 1998
Download the entire issue 237 (PDF)
- Addiction Is a Brain Disease—And It Matters
- Crime’s Decline—Why?
- The IDENT System: Putting “Structure to the Chaos of the Border”
- Reducing Crime by Harnessing International Best Practice
- Using City-Level Surveys to Better Understand Community Policing
- Events, New & Noteworthy, Recent NIJ Publications, and NIJ in the Journals
NIJ Journal No. 236, July 1998
Download the entire issue 236 (PDF)
- Pulling Levers: Getting Deterrence Right
- Breaking the Cycle of Abuse in Birmingham
- The Impact of the Opportunity to Succeed Program on Employment Success
- Smart Cards: An Information Tool for the Future
- Events, NIJ in the Journals, Recent NIJ Publications, Solicitations, and New & Noteworthy
NIJ Journal No. 235, March 1998
Download the entire issue:
- Crime in Public Housing: Clarifying Research Issues
- Restorative Justice: An Interview with Visiting Fellow Thomas Quinn
- Protecting Public Transportation from Terrorists
- Research Preview: Sentencing Guidelines: A State Perspective
- New & Noteworthy, Solicitations, NIJ Awards, Final Reports, NIJ in the Journals, Recent NIJ Publications, and Events
NIJ Journal No. 234, December 1997
Download the entire issue 234 (PDF)
- Suppose We Were Really Serious About Police Departments Becoming “Learning Organizations”?
- Drug Testing in Criminal Justice: Evolving Uses, Emerging Technologies
- The Unrealized Potential of DNA Testing
- Looking Backward to Look Forward: The 1967 Crime Commission Report in Retrospect
- Research Preview: Comparing Drug Purchase and Use Patterns in Six Cities
- Events, NIJ in the Journals, Recent NIJ Publications, Final Reports, Solicitations, and New & Noteworthy
NIJ Journal No. 233, September 1997
Download the entire issue 233 (PDF)
- Probation in the United States: Practices and Challenges
- American’s Views on Crime and Law Enforcement: Survey Findings
- Who Wrote It?: Steps Toward a Science of Authorship Identification
- Research Preview: Civil Protection Orders: Victims’ Views on Effectiveness
- Events, NIJ in the Journals, Publications, NIJ Awards, Final Reports, Solicitations, and New & Noteworthy
NIJ Journal No. 232, June 1997
Download the entire issue 232 (PDF)
- Crime and Illegal Immigration: Emerging Local, State, and Federal Partnerships
- Applying Technological Advances to Criminal Justice
- Crime and Justice Series: Annual Research Reviews for Criminal Justice
- Research Previews:
- Evaluation of Drug Treatment in Local Corrections
- Court Security and the Transportation of Prisoners
- Events, Solicitations, NIJ in the Journals, Publications, New Titles, New & Noteworthy, and NIJ Awards
NIJ Journal No. 231, August 1996
Download the entire issue 231 (PDF)
Director’s Message Issue 231
- Linking Community-Based Initiatives and Community Justice: The Office of Justice Programs
- Grassroots and Persistent: The Chicago Alliance for Neighborhood Safety
- Neighborhood Revitalization: Lessons from Savannah and Baltimore
- Crime Prevention Through Neighborhood Revitalization: Does Practice Reflect Theory?
- The Federal Role in Revitalizing Communities and Preventing and Controlling Crime and Violence
- The Community’s Role in Community Policing
- What Is Community Prosecution?
- Community Defense and the Challenge of Community Justice
- Community Courts: Prospects and Limits
- Toward a Corrections of “Place”: The Challenge of “Community” in Corrections
NIJ Journal No. 230, February 1996
Download the entire issue 230 (PDF)
- Thinking Globally To Act Locally: NIJ Improves Worldwide Access to Criminal Justice Information
- The Crime Act One Year Later: NIJ’s Role
- Prison-Based Therapeutic Communities: Their Success with Drug-Abusing Offenders
- Violence Against Women: Reflections on NIJ’s Research Agenda
- Street Gang Migration: How Big a Threat?
- Rethinking Criminal Justice Policy: A View from the Research Community
- Update on CALEA Study
NIJ Journal No. 229, August 1995
Download the entire issue 229 (PDF)
- Violence by Young People: Why the Deadly Nexus?
- Controlling Crime Before It Happens: Risk-Focused Prevention
- Partnerships Against Violence: Reducing Youth Violence Through Information Sharing
- The Anatomy of Fraud: Report of a Nationwide Survey
- Technology Transfer From Defense: Concealed Weapon Detection
- The CALEA Standards: What Is the Fit with Community Policing?
NIJ Journal No. 228, November 1994
Download the entire issue 228 (PDF)
- Health and Criminal Justice: Strengthening the Partnership
- Doctors Focus on the Threat to Health From Violence
- Understanding the Roots of Crime: The Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
- Adopting the Health Care Model to Prevent Victimization
- The Health-Justice Interface: A New Arena for Police
- Expanding the Role of the Local Prosecutor
- Health Care Needs in Corrections: NIJ Responds
- Questions Most Frequently Asked About the ADA by Criminal Justice Professionals
- You People, Violence, and Guns — What NIJ Is Doing
- NIJ Grants Other Awards in Health and Justice