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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Forthcoming Funding Opportunities


NIJ FY25 Graduate Research Fellowship

This funding opportunity seeks to support doctoral students whose dissertation research is relevant to preventing and controlling crime, advancing knowledge of victimization and effective victim services, or ensuring the fair and impartial administration of criminal or juvenile justice in the United States.

NIJ FY25 Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories

This funding opportunity seeks proposals for research and evaluation studies to produce practical knowledge that has the potential to improve the examination and interpretation of physical evidence in forensic science laboratories across the community of practice. This program furthers DOJ’s mission by supporting the development of new knowledge and tools to address the challenges of crime and justice in the United States. 

NIJ FY25 Research and Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence for Criminal Justice Purposes

This funding opportunity seeks to support research and evaluation that advances the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the criminal justice system. The goal is to improve the fairness, accuracy, and effectiveness of criminal justice processes through AI applications in crime prevention, public safety, and justice system decision-making. Research should explore both the benefits and limitations of AI, addressing potential risks and downstream impacts. Emphasis is placed on transparency, accountability, and civil rights protections

NIJ FY25 Research and Evaluation on Corrections

This funding opportunity seeks rigorous proposals on: special populations in corrections, management and development of the correctional workforce, and the interaction between correctional culture and climate and safety and wellness. 

NIJ FY25 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes

This funding opportunity seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects to inform policy and practice to prevent and combat hate crimes and their effects under two categories: (1) preventing and addressing hate crimes; and (2) school-based hate crimes. Under the first category, preventing and addressing hate crimes, NIJ seeks applications for: (1) evaluations of interventions to prevent hate crimes; (2) research to improve understanding of strategies used by targeted communities and their members to reduce the risk of hate crime victimization; (3) evaluations of interventions to address the needs of hate crime survivors and their communities; and (4) research to improve understanding, identification, and response to understudied bias types and hate crime motivations.

NIJ FY25 Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults

This funding opportunity seeks to fund applications for rigorous research and evaluation projects in four topical areas: (1) evaluation of programs that seek to prevent, intervene in, or respond to the abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of older adults; (2) research on financial fraud against older adults, including knowledge building around scam prevention messaging; (3) research on formal and informal caregivers who abuse (either financially, physically, sexually, and/or emotionally) or neglect older adults, to inform intervention and prevention program development; and (4) forensic research involving the development of radiographic evidence and bioinformatic approaches relevant to the physical abuse of older adults.

NIJ FY25 Social Science Research and Evaluation on Forensic Science Systems Funding Opportunity

This funding opportunity seeks proposals for rigorous applied social science research and evaluative studies on the forensic science system. The field of forensic science is changing, particularly as technological advancements improve the criminal justice system’s ability to use forensic evidence more effectively and efficiently. Research is needed to better understand the impact of forensic science on the criminal justice system