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NIJ Journal: Archive of All Issues

The NIJ Journal features research-based articles to help criminal justice policymakers and practitioners stay informed about new developments.
National Institute of Justice Journal

Current Issue: No. 284, Justice System

Director's Message


No. 283, Children and Youth

Director's Message


No. 282: Violent Crime

In this issue, our scientists share some of the latest evidence on violent crime. 

Director's Message


No. 281: Celebrating NIJ's 50th Anniversary

NIJ has played a critical role in informing criminal justice policy and practice since its inception in 1968. This special edition of the NIJ Journal commemorates the Institute’s 50th anniversary. The articles highlight the history, evolution, and role of NIJ research over the past half-century across the full spectrum of criminal justice issues and look ahead to the next 50 years of rigorous research.

Director's Message


No. 280, Law Enforcement and Policing

In this issue, our scientists and staff share some of the latest developments in policing and law enforcement.

Message from the Director.


Issue No. 279, Forensic Sciences

In this issue, our scientists share some of the latest evidence on forensic science and its impact on the justice system. 

Director's Message


Issue No. 278, May 2017

In this issue, our scientists have partnered to share some of the latest evidence and thinking about issues within institutional corrections. 

Message from the Acting Director.

Message from Office Directors


Issue No. 277, September 2016

Message from the Director


Issue No. 276, December 2015

Message from the Director.

In this issue:

Issue No. 275, September 2015

Message from the Director.

In this issue find:

Issue 274, December 2014

Message from the Editor-in-Chief


Issue 273, March 2014

Director's Message


No. 272, September 2013

Director's Message Issue 272


No. 271, February 2013


No. 270, June 2012

Director's Message


No. 269, March 2012

Director's Message Issue 269

No. 268, October 2011

Director's Message Issue 268

No. 267, March 2011

Director's Message Issue 267


No. 266, June 2010

Director's Message Issue 266


NIJ Journal No. 265, April 2010

Director's Message


NIJ Journal No. 264, November 2009

Director's Message


NIJ Journal No. 263, June 2009

Director's Message


NIJ Journal No. 262, March 2009

Director's Message


NIJ Journal No. 261, October 2008

Director's Message

NIJ Journal No. 260, July 2008

Director's Message

NIJ Journal No. 259, March 2008

Director's Message

NIJ Journal. 258, October 2007  

Director’s Message Issue 258


NIJ Journal No. 257, June 2007

Director's Message 257


NIJ Journal No. 256, January 2007

Director’s Message Issue 256


NIJ Journal No. 255, November 2006

Director’s Message Issue 255


NIJ Journal No. 254, July 2006

Director’s Message Issue 254


NIJ Journal No. 253, January 2006

Director’s Message Issue 253


NIJ Journal No. 252, July 2005

Director’s Message Issue 252


NIJ Journal No. 251, July 2004

Download the entire issue 251 (PDF)

Director’s Message Issue 251 



NIJ Journal No. 250, November 2003

Download the entire issue 250 (PDF)

Director’s Message Issue 250 (PDF)



NIJ Journal No. 249, July 2003

Download the entire issue 249 (PDF)

Director’s Message Issue 249 (PDF)



NIJ Journal No. 248, March 2002

Download the entire issue 248 (PDF)

Director’s Message Issue 248 (PDF)



NIJ Journal No. 247, April 2001

Download the entire issue 247 (PDF)

Director’s Message Issue 247 (PDF)



NIJ Journal No. 246, January 2001

Download the entire issue 246 (PDF)

Director’s Message Issue 246 (PDF)



NIJ Journal No. 245, October 2000

Download the entire issue 245 (PDF)


NIJ Journal No. 244, July 2000

Download the entire issue 244 (PDF)


NIJ Journal No. 243, April 2000

Download the entire issue 243 (PDF)


NIJ Journal No. 242, January 2000

Download the entire issue 242 (PDF)


NIJ Journal No. 241, October 1999

Download the entire issue 241 (PDF)


NIJ Journal No. 240, July 1999

Download the entire issue 240 (PDF)


  • Job Placement for Offenders: A Promising Approach to Reducing Recidivism and Correctional Costs
  • Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Emergence of Problem-Solving Courts
  • Private Funding for Criminal Justice Initiatives: What You Should Know About the Grantseeking Process


  • The Public Health and Law Enforcement Stress
  • International Drug Use: Comparing British and American Arrestees


  • New & Noteworthy, Events, Solicitations & Awards, and NIJ in the Journals

NIJ Journal No. 239, April 1999

Download the entire issue 239 (PDF)


  • Community Policing: Chicago’s Experience
  • Drug Use Measures: What Are They Really Telling Us?
  • Can Telemedicine Reduce Spending and Improve Prisoner Health Care?
  • Race, Crime, and the Administration of Justice

NIJ Journal No. 238, January 1999

Download the entire issue 238 (PDF)


  • NIJ’s Locally Initiated Research Partnerships in Policing—Factors That Add up to Success
  • Going Mobile in Law Enforcement Technology
  • Forensic DNA Evidence: National Commission Explores Its Future
  • Research Preview: Information Information Sharing Among Police Agencies


  • New & Noteworthy, NIJ Awards, Solicitations, Final Reports, Events, NIJ in the Journals, and Recent NIJ Publications

NIJ Journal No. 237, October 1998

Download the entire issue 237 (PDF)


  • Addiction Is a Brain Disease—And It Matters
  • Crime’s Decline—Why?
  • The IDENT System: Putting “Structure to the Chaos of the Border”
  • Reducing Crime by Harnessing International Best Practice
  • Using City-Level Surveys to Better Understand Community Policing


  • Events, New & Noteworthy, Recent NIJ Publications, and NIJ in the Journals

NIJ Journal No. 236, July 1998

Download the entire issue 236 (PDF)


  • Pulling Levers: Getting Deterrence Right
  • Breaking the Cycle of Abuse in Birmingham
  • The Impact of the Opportunity to Succeed Program on Employment Success
  • Smart Cards: An Information Tool for the Future


  • Events, NIJ in the Journals, Recent NIJ Publications, Solicitations, and New & Noteworthy

NIJ Journal No. 235, March 1998

Download the entire issue:


  • Crime in Public Housing: Clarifying Research Issues
  • Restorative Justice: An Interview with Visiting Fellow Thomas Quinn
  • Protecting Public Transportation from Terrorists
  • Research Preview: Sentencing Guidelines: A State Perspective


  • New & Noteworthy, Solicitations, NIJ Awards, Final Reports, NIJ in the Journals, Recent NIJ Publications, and Events

NIJ Journal No. 234, December 1997

Download the entire issue 234 (PDF)


  • Suppose We Were Really Serious About Police Departments Becoming “Learning Organizations”?
  • Drug Testing in Criminal Justice: Evolving Uses, Emerging Technologies
  • The Unrealized Potential of DNA Testing
  • Looking Backward to Look Forward: The 1967 Crime Commission Report in Retrospect
  • Research Preview: Comparing Drug Purchase and Use Patterns in Six Cities


  • Events, NIJ in the Journals, Recent NIJ Publications, Final Reports, Solicitations, and New & Noteworthy

NIJ Journal No. 233, September 1997

Download the entire issue 233 (PDF)


  • Probation in the United States: Practices and Challenges
  • American’s Views on Crime and Law Enforcement: Survey Findings
  • Who Wrote It?: Steps Toward a Science of Authorship Identification
  • Research Preview: Civil Protection Orders: Victims’ Views on Effectiveness


  • Events, NIJ in the Journals, Publications, NIJ Awards, Final Reports, Solicitations, and New & Noteworthy

NIJ Journal No. 232, June 1997

Download the entire issue 232 (PDF)


  • Crime and Illegal Immigration: Emerging Local, State, and Federal Partnerships
  • Applying Technological Advances to Criminal Justice
  • Crime and Justice Series: Annual Research Reviews for Criminal Justice
  • Research Previews:
    • Evaluation of Drug Treatment in Local Corrections
    • Court Security and the Transportation of Prisoners


  • Events, Solicitations, NIJ in the Journals, Publications, New Titles, New & Noteworthy, and NIJ Awards

NIJ Journal No. 231, August 1996

Download the entire issue 231 (PDF)

Director’s Message Issue 231


  • Linking Community-Based Initiatives and Community Justice: The Office of Justice Programs
  • Grassroots and Persistent: The Chicago Alliance for Neighborhood Safety
  • Neighborhood Revitalization: Lessons from Savannah and Baltimore
  • Crime Prevention Through Neighborhood Revitalization: Does Practice Reflect Theory?
  • The Federal Role in Revitalizing Communities and Preventing and Controlling Crime and Violence
  • The Community’s Role in Community Policing
  • What Is Community Prosecution?
  • Community Defense and the Challenge of Community Justice
  • Community Courts: Prospects and Limits
  • Toward a Corrections of “Place”: The Challenge of “Community” in Corrections

NIJ Journal No. 230, February 1996

Download the entire issue 230 (PDF)


  • Thinking Globally To Act Locally: NIJ Improves Worldwide Access to Criminal Justice Information
  • The Crime Act One Year Later: NIJ’s Role
  • Prison-Based Therapeutic Communities: Their Success with Drug-Abusing Offenders
  • Violence Against Women: Reflections on NIJ’s Research Agenda
  • Street Gang Migration: How Big a Threat?
  • Rethinking Criminal Justice Policy: A View from the Research Community
  • Update on CALEA Study

NIJ Journal No. 229, August 1995

Download the entire issue 229 (PDF)


  • Violence by Young People: Why the Deadly Nexus?
  • Controlling Crime Before It Happens: Risk-Focused Prevention
  • Partnerships Against Violence: Reducing Youth Violence Through Information Sharing
  • The Anatomy of Fraud: Report of a Nationwide Survey
  • Technology Transfer From Defense: Concealed Weapon Detection
  • The CALEA Standards: What Is the Fit with Community Policing?

NIJ Journal No. 228, November 1994

Download the entire issue 228 (PDF)

  • Health and Criminal Justice: Strengthening the Partnership
  • Doctors Focus on the Threat to Health From Violence
  • Understanding the Roots of Crime: The Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
  • Adopting the Health Care Model to Prevent Victimization
  • The Health-Justice Interface: A New Arena for Police
  • Expanding the Role of the Local Prosecutor
  • Health Care Needs in Corrections: NIJ Responds
  • Questions Most Frequently Asked About the ADA by Criminal Justice Professionals
  • You People, Violence, and Guns — What NIJ Is Doing
  • NIJ Grants Other Awards in Health and Justice
Fecha de Publicación: Enero 10, 2023