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Awards: Listing of Funded Projects
Every year, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, evaluation, testing and training and technical assistance projects across the spectrum of criminal justice.
Número de premios: 7,300 Monto Total Otorgado: $3,849,023,960
NIJ.ojp.gov lists only those awards that were tracked in an electronic grants management system. Any award made and closed prior to the advent of OJP’s first electronic system are not included. The first such system, the Grants Management System (GMS), was launched in the early 2000s. At that time, only select NIJ solicitations were managed under that system. Starting in fiscal year 2003, all NIJ awards were managed in GMS. The list of awards on NIJ.ojp.gov is comprehensive starting at that point. Awards listed on NIJ.ojp.gov made prior to 2003, were part of the early pilot for GMS or were migrated into GMS to allow NIJ to track continuations or supplements to those awards.