Number of Awards: 24
Total Amount Awarded: $13,382,487
A Comparative Evaluation of the MinION and MiSeq Sequencing Platforms for the Analysis of Human Hand Microbial Profiles for Forensic Investigations.
A Comprehensive Evaluation and Error Rate Assessment of Field Colorimetric Testing for Seized Drugs
A Universal Method for the Detection of Gunshot Residue using Vibrational Spectroscopy
Age estimation from epigenetic features of hair DNA
Attribution of tire marks via their elemental profile
Black Box Evaluation of Hand Detail Image Comparisons
Differentiation of Hemp and Marijuana Through Ion Complexation with Copper Phosphine Complexes
Droplet digital PCR: assessing the increased performance for DNA quantification in forensic science
Effects of insects and soils on the assembly of universal microbial decomposers and prediction of postmortem interval
Enhancing the evidentiary value of textile fibers with a combination of fluorescence microscopy and micro spectrophotometry
Expert Algorithm to Identify Seized Drugs from Tandem Mass Spectra
FBI Subaward to the NIST project "Identifying Class and Individual Characteristics of Printer Marks on Additively Manufactured Firearm Components"
Guiding Interpretation: Leveraging High-Density SNP Data from Major U.S. Populations for Forensic Genetic Analyses
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate Microscopic Characteristics of Skeletal Trauma
Identifying Class and Individual Characteristics of Printer Marks on Additively Manufactured Firearm Components
Improving Fire Pattern Analysis Using Non-Invasive Sensor Technologies
Improving the Data Interpretation Process in Forensic Fire Debris Analysis
MOSAIC: Unifying Methods of Sex, Stature, Affinity, & Age for Identification through Computational Standardization
Non-Contact Detection of Fentanyl and Other Opioids: Towards a Generalized Approach to Detection of Dangerous Drug Classes
On the reliability of the forensic examination of electrical tapes and the influence of alteration sources encountered in casework
Quantitative Evaluation of Hemp-Derived Vape Products for Accurate Labeling, Identification of Unknowns, and Stability
Research and Development for the Creation of Validated Protocols for the Forensic Detection and Quantification of Psilocybin and Psilocin in Complex Edible Matrices
Semi-empirical Kinetics Model for Fingerprint Aging
The Impact of Processing and Sampling Procedures on the Integrity of Forensically Relevant Biomolecules in Bones
The page limit and formatting requirements for the Proposal Narrative have been changed. See page 24 of the solicitation document.
NIJ has adjusted the total available funding for this solicitation. The total available is reduced by $1,000,000 from $13,500,000 to $12,500,000.