This awardee has received supplemental funding. This award detail page includes information about both the original award and supplemental awards.
Award Information
Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Past Project Period End Date
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)
Original Solicitation
Grant-Funded Events
- Forensic Leadership Series (13 Modules)
- Cradle to Cane: Investigation of Crimes Against Vulnerable Victims
- Nerve Agent Uptake and Detection in Human Bone
- Analysis & Conservation of Human Remains in Cambodia
- Stable Isotope Forensics & Unknown Persons Investigations
- DNA Standards and Guidelines, Part 2
- A Review of Forensic Anthropology in Mexico
- Furensics: Animal DNA in Criminal Investigations
- Identify Synthetic Opiates using Ambient Ionization TOF-MS
- Automotive Paint Binders Using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Opioids and the Drain on Laboratory Resources
- Fentalogs: Pharmacology, Toxicology & Analytical Approaches
- Rapid DNA Technology Forum
- Opioid Substances: A Threat to Animal Welfare & Safety
- Dreamland – Sam Quinones Explores America’s Opiate Epidemic
- Record Linkage of CODIS Profiles with SNP Genotypes
- Opioids and Death Investigation: A "Perfect Storm"
- Making the Case for Prevention, Fighting the Opioid Epidemic
- Strategies & Considerations for Trace Detection of Fentalogs
- The Evolution Of SNPs As A Forensic Marker
- The Opioid Overdose Epidemic in America: CDC Response
- The Industry's Role in Responding to the Opioid Crisis
- The NC Statewide Medical Examiner System Laboratory Approach
- DNA Methylation-Based Age Prediction & Body Fluid ID
- Collaboration in the Fight Against Fentanyl
- A Close Look at 3D Microscopy for Firearms Identification
- 2018 Impression, Pattern, and Trace Evidence Symposium: Opening Remarks and Discussion of Statistical Approaches
- 2018 Impression, Pattern, and Trace Evidence Symposium: Closing Keynote from Adam Benforado
- Statistics and Testimony from the Practitioner and Juror Point of View
- Controlled Substances and Toxicology: Presentations from the 2018 NIJ Forensic Science R&D Symposium
- Trace Microbiome: Presentations from the 2018 NIJ Forensic Science R&D Symposium
- Forensic Anthropology: Presentations from the 2018 NIJ Forensic Science R&D Symposium
- Regional Fentanyl Trends, Safety, and Field Testing Technology
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Kinship Testing Involving Siblings
- Forensic Biology/DNA: Presentations from the 2018 NIJ Forensic Science R&D Symposium
- Evaluating the Use of DNA Analysis for Family Reunification
- Evaluate Population-Specific Sibship During Kinship Analysis
- Genes of a Feather Stick Together: Evaluating Linked Markers
- Transition to Impact: Bringing Research to Practice
- Computerized Reconstruction of Fragmentary Skeletal Remains
- The Synthetic Drug Crisis: Identifying NPS in Forensic Casework
- Analysis of NPS: Practical Considerations and Analytical Approaches
- International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners Training Symposium 2018
- Interpretative Toxicology for NPS in Forensic Casework- Session 3 of 3 for Best Practices Guidance for Advancing Research Initiatives and Combatting the Synthetic Drug Epidemic
- Identifying Seized Drugs using Mass Spectrometry Library Searching
- 3D-ID-Geometric Morphometric Classification of Crania for Forensic Scientists Software Best Practices
- Small Bloodstains on Textiles – What Can They Tell Us?
- The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit – An Evidence-Informed Resource For Organizations
- Novel Forensic Chemistry Research from Early Career Scientists
- Mixtures, Microhaps, and Modeling, Oh My!! Cutting-Edge Research in Forensic DNA Analysis from Early-Career Scientists
- Making a Forensic Scientist: A Recipe for Success
- Paper Microfluidic Devices for Fieldable Forensic Testing
- New SWGDAM Recommendations on Communicating Likelihood Ratios
- Estimating Blow Fly Age and Reducing Error in Postmortem Interval Cases
- Advancing Research Initiatives and Combatting the Human Trafficking Epidemic
- Variability in Blow-Fly Development - Research and Implications for PMI Practice
- Psychological Survival in a Violent Career
- Investigating Sexual Assault of Elder Victims
- NIBIN Challenges and Opportunities
- Digital Forensics: An Overview for the Laboratory Manager
- Isotopes Aiding Identification of Undocumented Border Crosser Human Remains
- Fire Debris Analysis is Not Black Magic!
- Trace Evidence for the Crime Laboratory
- Quality Assurance in the Forensic Laboratory: Transitioning from 17025:2005 to 17025:2017
- Emerging Forensic Research Series: Firearms and Toolmarks Research
- Stable Isotope Analysis in a Humanitarian Context
- Emerging Research in Medicolegal Death Investigation
- Building Forensic Capacity Post-Conflict: Lessons from Uganda
- Emerging Forensic Science Research: Forensic Chemistry
- Emerging Research in Forensic Chemistry
- Emerging Forensic Research Series: Forensic Biology
- Emerging Research in Forensic Biology
- Emerging Research in Toxicology and Drugs
- Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 1: The Elements of DNA Profile Interpretation and Probabilistic Genotyping
- Rapid DNA’s Role in Disaster Victim Identification
- Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 2: Statistical Genetics and the Mechanisms of Probabalistic Genotyping
- Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 3: Probabilistic Genotyping Software and Output
- Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 5: Representation of Statistical Weight to Stakeholders and the Court
- Using ODMAP to Harness Data and Accelerate Action
- Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 8: Summation and Special Topics
- Ethics & Report Writing - Session 2 of the 2018 IAC&ME Training Symposium
- NIJ’s Role in Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner System in the United States - Session 5 of the 2018 IAC&ME Training Symposium
- Update on Legalized Marijuana from the Mile High City
- Death Scene Investigations: Roles & Responsibilities - Session 1 of the 2018 IAC&ME Training Symposium
- Census and Surveillance Efforts: Insight into the U.S. Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI) System Process, Infrastructure, Trends and Challenges
- Understanding the Impact of Drug Background Levels in Forensic Laboratories
- Digital and Multimedia Forensics: The Impact of Disturbing Media
- Handling Difficult and Disturbing Forensic Cases for Coroners and Medical Examiners
- Portable Advanced 3D Imaging for Footwear and Tire Impression Capture
- Detection and Visibility of Bruises Using Alternate Light: From Science to Practice
- The Next Wave: Applying Lessons Learned from Opioids and PolyDrug Critical Incidents in Addressing Emerging Drug Threats
- Rapid and Effective Identification of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues
- Understanding the Statistics Behind Forensic Conclusions Workshop Series
- UNODC Early Warning Alert System: Forensic Tools for New Psychoactive Substances
- Communicating Conclusions in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
- Quality Assurance: Beyond Accreditation
- Marijuana or Hemp: From Farm Bill to Forensic Analysis
- The Time to Analyze is Now: DNA Evidence in Groping Sexual Assault Cases
- Toxicology: Instrumentation, Methodology, and Workflows
- Forensic Epidemiology: Monitoring Fatal Drug Overdose Trends
- NIJ Forensic Science Research and Development Symposium, 2020
- Providing Forensic Healthcare and Support to Native Communities
- The Time to Collect Is Now: DNA Evidence in Groping Sexual Assault Cases
- Marijuana Analysis in a New Frontier: Two State Laboratory Approaches
- Recent Advances in Tandem Separation and Detection Techniques for the Analysis of Emerging Drugs
- Investigative Genetic Genealogy: Background and Crime Lab Strategy
- The Sequel - Marijuana or Hemp: From Farm Bill to Forensic Analysis
- Identifying an Unknown Paint System Using the RCMP PDQ Program
- Ventilation Limited Fires: Considerations for Fire Pattern Analysis
- Stress, Vicarious Trauma, and Resiliency for Forensic Science Professionals
- Tackling Employee Wellness: The Phoenix Police Department’s Crime Lab Approach
- Drug Exposures in the Forensic Laboratory: What We Know, What We Can Learn
- Managing an Accredited Digital Forensics Laboratory
- Validation and Tutorial of NOCIt for Determining the Number of Contributors
- Intact Low Explosives Analysis with an Emphasis on Microscopical Methods
- PACE™: Rapid and Automated Artifact Identification and Number of Contributor Prediction
- Network Forensics: Challenges and Tools
- Effects of DNA Extraction Methods on Recovery, Degradation, and Loss
- New Mexico Decedent Image Database: Overview of Accessing the Database and Searching
- 2020 Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists Virtual Conference
- New Mexico Decedent Image Database: Accessing and Using Metadata
- New Mexico Decedent Image Database: Opening and Viewing Image Data
- New Mexico Decedent Image Database: Taking 3D Measurements with Images
- An Automated Single Cell Separation Technique to Improve Mixture Deconvolution
- Deaths in Custody: A Comprehensive Review
- Emerging Methods for Body Fluid Analysis
- Utility of Microbes in Forensic Science
- Preemptive Approach to Combatting and Characterizing Emerging Synthetic Opioids
- Novel Synthetic Opioids in Oral Fluid: Analytical Methods and Prevalence
- 2021 Forensic Science R&D Symposium
- Structural Characterization of Emerging Synthetic Drugs by Mass Spectrometry
- Stability and Persistence of Touch DNA for Forensic Analysis
- ASCLD Emerging Issues: COVID-19 – Remote Work in the Forensic Lab
- ASCLD Emerging Issues: COVID 19 – Remote Testimony
- ASCLD Emerging Issues: COVID 19 – Wellness and Operations
- Advancing Fire Scene Investigations with Field Portable Technologies
- Postmortem Computed Tomography Basics: Facility and Technical Aspects
- Lessons Learned from Proficiency Test Results in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
- Overview of Postmortem Computed Tomography for Pathologist Triage
- Postmortem Computed Tomography of Gunshot Wounds
- Postmortem Computed Tomography of Blunt Force Trauma
- Postmortem Computed Tomography of Natural Death
- Postmortem Computed Tomography Potpourri of Unnatural Deaths
- Developing an Unbiased Culture in Your Laboratory
- Firearms 3D technology: Advantages and Value for Implementing 3D Technologies
- A Comprehensive Look at LatentSleuth
- Successful Onboarding in Crime Laboratories
- Microhaplotypes: A Comprehensive Forensic DNA Marker
- Best Practices for Engaging Participants in Video Conferences
- Novel Psychoactive Substance Naming Conventions & Challenges
- Multiple Perspectives on Overdose Fatality Reviews
- AFDAA 2021 Summer Meeting
- Image Quality and Clarity: The Keys to Forensic Digital Image Processing
- Best Practices for Digital Image Processing
- Introduction to the Forensic Anthropology Database for Assessing Methods Accuracy
- Footwear Evidence Conclusions: A Discussion of Standards, Recommendations, and Structure
- Lessons Learned from Project ECHO: Overdose Fatality Investigation Techniques
- Mapping Technologies for Crime Scenes
- DART-MS Data Interpretation Tool and Other Resources for Seized Drug Analysis
- The Importance of Data to the MDI Community and Stakeholders
- Medicolegal Death Investigation Considerations for Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
- 2021 Forensic Science Research Federal Stakeholders Public Meeting
- Data Systems Imperative in 21st Century Forensic Services
- Death Certification by the Medical Examiner/Coroner in Drug-Related Deaths
- Molecular Identification of Insects Relevant to Medicolegal Casework
- Harnessing Data to Implement Real-Time Data-Driven Overdose Response Strategies
- Exploration of Breech Face Subclass Characteristics
- Glock Pistol Toolmarks: A Literature Review and Introduction of Undocumented Toolmarks
- Two-Pronged Study of Bullets Fired by Consecutively Rifled Barrels
- The Effect of Time on Rusted Firearm Identification
- 2022 Firearm and Toolmarks Policy and Practice Forum
- Virtual Workshop: A Discussion on Research and a Multidisciplinary Response to Sexual Assault
- 2022 Law Enforcement Drug Response Summit Archive
- A Unique Approach to a Crime Gun Intelligence Center with the Inclusion and Support of 3D Virtual Comparison Technologies
- U.S. National Footwear Database System Feasibility Study
- Virtual Workshop: Understanding Sexual Assault Trauma and Considerations for Conducting a Trauma-Informed Interview
- Forensic Analysis of Cosmetics
- 2022 NIJ Forensic Science Research and Development Symposium
- Application of the OSAC Registry of Standards to Forensic Science Service Providers’ Quality Systems
- Legalization of Marijuana: The Journey of Marijuana Laws in Colorado and Ohio
- Sexual Assault Kit Evidence Tracking: The Idaho State Police Forensic Services Experience
- Pandemic Impacts in the Workplace: Employee Wellness, Returning to the Office, & Remote Testimony
- Strangulation in Sexual Assault Cases: Considerations for Evidence Collection and Supporting Healing
- Trauma-Informed Investigations for Sexual Assault Cases
- Terrestrial LiDAR Scanners: Guidelines for Use in Criminal Justice Applications
- Drug Use Impact on Native People in Minnesota
- Things Are Not What They Seem: A Collection of Interesting Case Studies from the Medical Examiner Scene Queens
- Electronic Cigarettes: A Tangle of Regulation, Public Health, and Public Safety Issues
- Narcotic Concealment Methods in U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Emergence of Counterfeit Tablets Containing Fentanyl in the United States
- Using Risk Management to Optimize Forensic Laboratory Operations
- What Keeps You Awake at Night: Risk, Leading Change, and Challenging Decisions
- Interlaboratory Comparison of SpermX and Conventional Differential Extractions
Date Created: September 19, 2016
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