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Census and Surveillance Efforts: Insight into the U.S. Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI) System Process, Infrastructure, Trends and Challenges

Session 4 of the 2018 IAC&ME Training Symposium
Event Dates
Event Duration
1 hour

This year, the IAC&ME hosted a combined Basic and Advanced Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI) course in addition to its general conference program in Las Vegas, Nevada. This year’s program provided another excellent opportunity to learn from some of the best speakers in their respective fields of expertise. IAC&ME partnered with NIJ’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) to provide a portion of their symposium to an online audience.

The IAC&ME has over 80 years of experience in the presentation of educational seminars for the purpose of assisting coroners, medical examiners, and other forensic specialists in the performance of their duties. This commitment is engrained in the Association’s mission statement, “The International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners is committed to advancing the accurate determination of the cause and the manner of death through the utilization of science, medicine and the law.” This training symposium brought together leaders in MDI to one location for training, education, and networking.

This presentation was recorded in its entirety at the time of the live event in order to capture the one on one interaction with the presenter. Funding for this collaborative IAC&ME and FTCOE event was provided by the National Institute of Justice.


Date Created: February 1, 2019