Data availability is the cornerstone of progression of any scientific inquiry. For forensic anthropologists, the data sources are limited, as they must be contextually appropriate (temporal, geographical, etc.) for study and application in forensic research on human variation. Often, this means that data gleaned from ongoing forensic casework is the ideal data reference set. Furthermore, it is imperative that research with broad-reaching applications for the field of forensic anthropology (e.g. sex estimation methods, accuracy assessment for casework) be based on a data set that is representative of the context to which it will apply, such as U.S. forensic anthropology casework.
In this webinar, the presenters will highlight the Forensic Anthropology Database for Assessing Methods Accuracy (FADAMA), which is a virtual repository of forensic anthropology case reports and accompanying data on the actual biological profile of the deceased individual. This webinar will cover the goals, motivations, and ethical considerations behind the development of the database as well as the uses and limitations of the data available for research applications. Whether attendees are looking for a dynamic dataset for teaching purposes, starting on their first research project, or building on broad-reaching questions, knowing what data is available and how to maximize the data’s analytical potential is a must.
This webinar will impact the forensic science community by bringing together detailed and relevant information about the application and research potential of a newly available database for forensic anthropology methods development, method accuracy performance, and casework accuracy assessment. The presenters will deliver details on the development, accessibility, application, and limitations of FADAMA, and prepare researchers to seize on the potential of this data to answer important questions in the field of forensic anthropology.