Forensic anthropology
MOSAIC: Unifying Methods of Sex, Stature, Affinity, & Age for Identification through Computational Standardization
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate Microscopic Characteristics of Skeletal Trauma
Enhancing Equitable Forensic Identification: An Evaluation of Pelvic Morphology for Parity Detection and Age Estimation in Unidentified Skeletal Remains
A Multi-Method Genetic, Craniometric, and Isotopic Approach to Estimating Geographic Origin of Unidentified Latinx Remains
Use of Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Genetic Genealogy in Investigations
Improving Methods Using Machine Learning and Databases in Forensic Anthropology
Advances in Chemical Sorting of Commingled Remains
Evaluating the reliability and accuracy of multiple geophysical methods in the search for clandestine graves
Evaluation of Target Enrichment for SNP Genotyping of Skeletal Remains
Empirical Analysis of Saw Mark Characteristics in Human Bone: Meeting Forensic Standards in Dismemberment Cases
Quantitative Assessment of Fracture Characteristics in Blunt Force Skeletal Trauma for Forensic Interpretations
Developing and Validating Standards for Dental Cementum Age-at-Death and Season-of-Death Estimation
Ontogenetic Study of the Pelvis Through Examination of Interlandmark Distances and Geometric Morphometric Analyses: Implications for Subadult Sex and Age Estimation
Sampling and Selection Bias in Research using Documented Skeletal Collections
NSF co-funded project - Sex Estimation in Forensic Anthropology: Taking a Legally-lnformed Approach to Method Development
Dental Morphology: The Informative but Lesser-Known Traits
Improve craniometric ancestry estimation with deep learning methods
DENTAGE: A multi-component subadult dental age estimation method
Gull (Laridae) Taphonomy at Shoals Marine Laboratory, Maine, USA
Forensic Fire Death Investigation: Investigating the Effects of Body Mass and Decomposition Sequence on Fire Burn Speed and Patterns and the Development of Performance Standards
Application of Analytical Chemistry to Test the Accuracy of Human Residual Odor Detection by Cadaver Dogs
Forensic Fractography of Bone: A New Model for Skeletal Trauma Analysis
NIJ Awards Over $14M to Support Forensic Science Research and Development
On December 17, 2022, NIJ, a component of the Office of Justice Programs, announced $14.4 million in funding to support 30 forensic science research and development projects in fiscal year 2021 under its Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes solicitation. Through its research and development (R&D) grant funding, NIJ continues to advance the speed, accuracy, and reliability of forensic analysis, which...