Evidence analysis and processing
DNA 101
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 8th, 2023. In this session, FBI Forensic DNA Examiner Amanda Bakker introduces all the most vital concepts of DNA analysis and evidence. For those who aren’t DNA analysts but work in tangential fields such as law enforcement and criminal justice, this session will be incredibly useful for understanding topics such as what DNA is, how it transfers, how it is collected, and how it is analyzed.
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Overview of Forensic Pathology
Human remains are treated as a separate and unique type of forensic evidence. An autopsy of the remains is conducted to establish the cause and manner of any death that is violent, unusual or untimely. A forensic pathologist completes a post-mortem examination and examine death scene findings. The medical history of an individual may also be reviewed to help determine if the death was natural...
Criticality of Spray Solvent Choice on the Performance of Next Generation, Spray-Based Ambient Mass Spectrometric Ionization Sources: A Case Study Based on Synthetic Cannabinoid Forensic Evidence
Objective Image Analysis for the Interpretation of Colorimetric Tests for Drugs of Abuse
Quantitative Evaluation of Hemp-Derived Vape Products for Accurate Labeling, Identification of Unknowns, and Stability
Guiding Interpretation: Leveraging High-Density SNP Data from Major U.S. Populations for Forensic Genetic Analyses
Non-Contact Detection of Fentanyl and Other Opioids: Towards a Generalized Approach to Detection of Dangerous Drug Classes
FBI Subaward to the NIST project "Identifying Class and Individual Characteristics of Printer Marks on Additively Manufactured Firearm Components"
Identifying Class and Individual Characteristics of Printer Marks on Additively Manufactured Firearm Components
A Roadmap to Improve Research and Technology Transition in Forensic Science
Stage Transitions in Lucilia sericata and Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Implications for Forensic Science
NIJ Awards $14M to Support Forensic Science Research
On September 27, 2024, NIJ announced $13.6 million in new funding to support 24 projects under the “FY24 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes” solicitation. Through this program, NIJ continues to advance the speed, accuracy, and reliability of forensic analysis, which bolsters the administration of justice.
Funding Highlights for Fiscal Year 2024
Since 2009, NIJ has invested over...