Detecting Fentanyl and Major Players in Darknet Drug Markets by Analyzing Drug Networks and Developing a Threat Assessment Tool | Research Foundation of CUNY obo John Jay College | 2019-R2-CX-0018 | $598,637 | |
What You Can’t Buy, Can’t Kill You | University of Alabama at Birmingham | 2019-R2-CX-0019 | $641,016 | |
Using social network and spatial analysis to understand and address fentanyl distribution networks in America’s largest port city | California State University Long Beach Research Foundation | 2019-R2-CX-0020 | $995,490 | |
Oklahoma Methamphetamine Data Initiative | Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences | 2020-R2-CX-0014 | $587,219 | |
Assessing Perceived Effects of I-502: A Survey on Recreational Cannabis in Washington State | Washington State University | 2018-R2-CX-0003 | $32,000 | |
Illegal Marijuana and Drug Related Violent Crime in North Texas | Tarleton State University | 2018-75-CX-0005 | $341,883 | |
Delaware Opiate Metric Intelligence Project | University of Delaware | 2017-IJ-CX-0016 | $588,717 | |
NIJ Research and Data Analysis on MJ and Other Drug Markets | Bureau of Justice Statistics/Justice Research Statistics Association | 2012-BJ-CX-K032 | $500,000 | |
Monitoring Drug Epidemics and the Markets That Sustain Them Using ADAM II | National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. | 2010-IJ-CX-0011 | $37,966 | |
Dynamics of Retail Methamphetamine Markets in New York City | National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. Travis Wendel | 2007-IJ-CX-0110 | $475,337 | |
The Context of Drug Markets: An Examination of the Direct and Indirect Influence of Gender in Drug Market Activities | Arizona State University Cheryl Lee | 2004-IJ-CX-0014 | $34,946 | |
The Chinese Connection: The Changing Patterns of Drug Trafficking in the Golden Triangle | Rutgers University Adrienne Walker-Lane | 2004-IJ-CX-0023 | $199,915 | |
Prevalence Estimation of Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Juvenile Facilities | Urban Institute | 15PNIJ-22-GG-03052-TITL | $549,956 | |
The Experiences of Men with Substance Use Disorders Exiting Prison at the Height of the Opioid Crisis | Pennsylvania State University | 2019-R2-CX-0010 | $91,097 | |
ABCD Social Development | University of Pittsburgh | 2017-MU-CX-0044 | $8,561,120 | |
Assessing Trends in Deaths Associated with Opioid and Alcohol Withdrawal in Jails? | University of Rochester | 2016-R2-CX-0037 | $39,907 | |
Drugs, DUI, and Crime: What Are the Effects of Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado? | Purdue University | 2016-R2-CX-0008 | $32,000 | |
Examining an Integrated Bystander and Alcohol Program for Sexual Assault Perpetration: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial | Ohio University | 2016-R2-CX-0048 | $150,000 | |
Developmental Pathways of Teen Dating Violence in a High-Risk Sample | SUNY/Albany | 2012-W9-BX-0001 | $798,376 | |
Effects of Child Maltreatment, Cumulative Victimization Experiences, and Proximal Life Stress on Adult Outcomes of Substance Use, Mental Health Problems, and Antisocial Behavior | University of Washington | 2012-IJ-CX-0023 | $428,396 | |
Race and Drug Arrests: Specific Deterrence and Collateral Consequences | University of South Florida | 2011-IJ-CX-0004 | $93,553 | |
Roads Diverge: Long-term Patterns of Relapse, Recidivism, and Desistance for a Reentry Cohort | University of Delaware Ronet Bachman | 2008-IJ-CX-0017 | $586,816 | |
Gender, Mental Illness, and Crime | Portland State University Melissa Thompson | 2007-IJ-CX-0004 | $34,999 | |
Alcohol Availability, Distribution Policies, and Their Relationship to Crime and Alcohol-Related Injury | Urban Institute Caterina Roman | 2006-IJ-CX-0012 | $105,989 | |
Drug-Facilitated, Incapacitated, and Forcible Rape: A National Study of Prevalence and Case Characteristics Among College Students and Other Young Women | Medical University of South Carolina Dean Kilpatrick | 2005-WG-BX-0006 | $447,796 | |
Exploring the Drugs/Crime Connection within the Electronic Dance and Hip Hop Nightclub Scenes | University of Delaware Tammy Anderson | 2004-IJ-CX-0040 | $283,563 | |
The Prevalence, Context, and Reporting of Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault on University Campuses | Research Triangle Institute Don Enichen | 2004-WG-BX-0010 | $419,339 | |
Third Party Policing: A Randomized Field Trial to Assess Drug Crime Reduction and Police –Hotel Partnerships in Anne Arundel County, MD | Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) | 2019-R2-CX-0026 | $597,452 | |
Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies to Expose Darknet Opioid Traffickers | West Virginia University Research Corporation | 2018-75-CX-0032 | $985,950 | |
Building Drug Intelligence Networks to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Rural Communities: A Collaborative Intelligence-led Policing Strategy | Iowa State University of Science and Technology | 2018-AR-BX-0004 | $725,018 | |
Identifying and Informing Strategies for Disrupting Drug Distribution Networks: An Application to Opiate Flows in Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania State University | 2017-IJ-CX-0017 | $404,510 | |
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Heroin and Crime Initiative: Informing the investigation and prosecution of heroin-related overdose | Case Western Reserve University | 2017-DN-BX-0168 | $975,401 | |
Drugs, DUI, and Crime: What Are the Effects of Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado? | Purdue University | 2016-R2-CX-0008 | $32,000 | |
Effects of Marijuana Legislation on Law Enforcement and Crime | Washington State University | 2016-RC-CX-0058 | $995,831 | |
Developing Methods for Assessing Outcomes of Law and Policy on Drug Trafficking Offenders, Organizations, and Criminal Justice Responses | Abt Associates Inc. | 2016-R2-CX-K001 | $999,887 | |
Research on Contraband and Interdiction Modalities Used in Correctional Facilities | Urban Institute | 2015-IJ-CX-K001 | $499,999 | |
Research on Illegal Prescription Drug Market Interventions | Office of National Drug Control Policy/Abt Associates Inc | 2012R2R2999 | $187,500 | |
Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs: Policy Change, Law Enforcement Activity, and Diversion Tactics | University of Central Florida | 2012-R2-CX-0006 | $250,000 | |
Optimizing Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs to Support Law Enforcement Activities | University of Kentucky Research Foundation | 2012-R2-CX-0007 | $363,226 | |
Identifying High Risk Prescribers Using PDMP Data: A Tool For Law Enforcement | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 2012-R2-CX-0002 | $249,983 | |
Evaluating and Improving Law Enforcement Cooperation in Combating Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations | American University | 2011-IJ-CX-0001 | $453,112 | |
An Experimental Evaluation of the BJA DMI Training and Technical Assistance Initiative | RAND Corporation | 2010-DJ-BX-1672 | $2,914,961 | |
Creating a Better Understanding Of Cross-Jurisdictional Task Forces On The Border: An Evaluation Of Two Efforts To Target Drugs And Violence In San Diego County | San Diego Association of Governments | 2010-SS-B9-0001 | $299,136 | |
A Collaborative Approach to Eliminating Street Drug Markets through Focused Deterrence | University of North Carolina Greensboro Tim Shelton | 2006-IJ-CX-0034 | $283,001 | |
Controlled Substance Case Processing Descriptive Study | Research Triangle Institute Kevin Strom | ASP Task T-021 | $250,000 | |
The Effect of Law Enforcement on Drug Markets and Drug Use | Abt Associates, Inc. Bill Rhodes | 2005-IJ-CX-0024 | $269,495 | |
Controlling Methamphetamine Precursors: From Policy to Practice | Andrews University Duane McBride | 2005-IJ-CX-0028 | $324,764 | |
Evaluation of Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces, Phase II: Tool Development and Production | Abt Associates Bill Rhodes | 2005-DD-BX-0002 | $474,435 | |
Examining the Effect of Oregon’s Measure 110 on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Criminal Justice Outcomes | Rand Corporation | 15PNIJ-21-GG-04709-NIJB | $598,053 | |
Assessing the Causes of Racial Disparities in Drug Courts: An Intersectional Approach to Eliminating Barriers to Admittance | Ohio State University | 15PNIJ-21-GG-04708-NIJB | $533,204 | |
NIJ Multisite Impact and Cost‐Efficiency Evaluation of Veterans Treatment Courts | American University | 15PNIJ-22-GK-00035-VTCX | $3,000,000 | |
Assessing the impact of treatment quality, matching and dosage on juvenile justice outcomes among a statewide sample of youth with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders | Research Foundation of the City University of New York | 15PNIJ-22-GG-03054-TITL | $200,000 | |
Examining the multifaceted impacts of drug decriminalization on public safety, law enforcement, and prosecutorial discretion | Portland State University | 15PNIJ-21-GG-02804-RESS | $495,596 | |
Enhancing Public Safety and Public Health: Informing Medication-Assisted Treatment Policies and Programs in the Criminal Justice System | University of Washington | 2019-R2-CX-0006 | $145,611 | |
Interactive Computer-Assisted Recovery Enabler (ICARE): Treatment Support and Monitoring Tool for Substance Using Offenders | Research Triangle Institute | 2018-75-CX-0018 | $750,000 | |
Evaluation of Using Telehealth for Opioid Use Disorders in a Correctional Setting | Urban Institute | 2018-75-CX-0022 | $648,227 | |
Multi-site Evaluations of Courts on the Frontline: Systematically Assessing Implementation and Intermediate Outcomes in Veterans Treatment Courts | Missouri State University | 2015-VV-BX-K020 | $761,231 | |
Study of the Use of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program Funds on Aftercare Services | Advocates for Human Potential | 2013-MU-CX-0057 | $399,836 | |
Effect of Prison-Based Alcohol Treatment: A Multi-site Process and Outcome Evaluation | University of Texas as San Antonio | 2010-RT-BX-0103 | $300,000 | |
Evidence-Based Screening and Assessment: A Randomized Trial of a Validated Assessment Tool in Three NYC Drug Courts | Center for Court Innovation | 2010-IJ-CX-0031 | $389,093 | |
Evaluation of the Second Chance Act Reentry Courts | Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. | 2010-RY-BX-0001 | $2,988,850 | |
A Natural Experiment in Reform: Analyzing Drug Law Policy Change in NYS | Vera Institute of Justice | 2010-IJ-CX-0030 | $699,937 | |
A Follow-up Evaluation of Hawaii's HOPE Probation | Pepperdine University | 2010-IJ-CX-0016 | $191,707 | |
Evaluating a Drug Testing and Graduated Sanctions Program in Delaware: A Randomized Trial | University of Delaware Daniel O'Connell | 2009-IJ-CX-0003 | $499,631 | |
From Inception to Implementation: How the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act Has Affected the Case Processing and Sentencing of Drug Offenders in One CA County | University of California, Irvine Christine Gardiner | 2007-IJ-CX-0031 | $19,991 | |
Alternative Sentencing Policies for Drug Offenders: Evaluating the Effectiveness of KS Senate Bill 123 | Loyola University Chicago Don Stemen | 2006-IJ-CX-4032 | $203,552 | |
Alternative Sentencing Policies for Drug Offenders: Evaluating the Effectiveness of KS Senate Bill 123 | Vera Institute of Justice Don Stemen | 2006-IJ-CX-0032 | $38,799 | |
A Cost Evaluation of Drug Court Programs Compared to State Mandate non-Drug Court Treatment Programs | Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. Shannon Carey | 2005-IJ-CX-0010 | $284,715 | |
Multisite Comparison of 17 Adult Drug Courts: Typology, Outcomes and Cost | Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. Shannon Carey | 2005-M-114 | $55,158 | |
An Impact and Cost-Benefit Evaluation of the Oxford House Substance Free Transitional Housing Model | Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. Mike Finigan | 2005-DD-BX-1009 | $662,455 | |
Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Demonstration Programs | University of Arizona Jeanette Hassin | 2005-AC-BX-0011 | $457,200 | |
An Empirical Investigation of "Going to Scale" in Drug Interventions | Urban Institute John Roman, Avi Bhati | 2005-DC-BX-1064 | $196,495 | |
Drug Court Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance | National Association of Drug Court Professionals Carolyn Hardin | 2004-DC-BX-K005 | $295,723 | |
Anchorage Wellness Court Evaluation | University of Alaska, Anchorage Robert Langworthy | 2003-DD-BX-1015 | $633,880 | |
Multi-site Adult Drug Court Evaluation | The Urban Institute, RTI International and the Center for Court Innovation Shelli Rossman | 2003-DC-BX-1001 | $6,500,000 | |
Swiftness and Certainty in Enforcing Probation Conditions: Hawaii HOPE | University of California, Los Angeles Angela Hawken | 2007-IJ-CX-0033 | $139,530, | |
Research and Development Using High-level Quantum Chemistry Calculations for the Creation of a Rapid Field Test for the Identification and Differentiation of Hemp and Marijuana | Research Foundation for the State University of New York | 15PNIJ-22-GG-04423-SLFO | $604,176 | |
Aptamer-Based Oral Fluid Testing Device for Roadside Screening of Recent Marijuana Use in Drivers | North Carolina State University | 15PNIJ-22-GG-04440-RESS | $359,373 | |
Non-contact detection of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids: Towards a generalized approach to the detection of dangerous drug cases | Florida International University | 15PNIJ-22-GG-04418-RESS | $642,632 | |
Marijuana Intoxication: Roadside Tool for Law Enforcement to Measure Impaired Peripheral Vision | Denise A Valenti | 15PNIJ-22-GG-04417-RESS | $595,000 | |
Development of a colorimetric breath analyzer for THC | Virginia Commonwealth University | 15PNIJ-22-GG-04437-RESS | $170,834 | |
Implementation of NPS Discovery – An Early Warning Systems for Novel Drug Intelligence, Surveillance, Monitoring, Response, and Forecasting using Drug Materials and Toxicology Populations in the US | Frederic Rieders Family Renaissance Foundation | 15PNIJ-22-GG-04434-MUMU | $485,938 | |
FY 2021 MDSP - Expanding Targeted Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Capabilities for Controlled Substance Analysis | Maryland State Police | 15PNIJ-21-GG-02713-COAP | $96,741 | |
Breath Measurements of Acute Cannabis Use (BACE): Towards Reliable Determination of Recent Use | National Institute of Standards and Technology | DJO-NIJ-22-RO-0003 | $1,450,809 | |
Advanced Microfluidic Technology for Automated, Rapid, and Objective Laboratory Screening of Seized Drugs | Research Triangle Institute | 15PNIJ-21-GG-04176-COAP | $327,558 | |
Comparative Evaluation of Low- and High-Resolution MS Approaches for Screening and Confirmation of New Psychoactive Substances in Human Specimen Matrices | Florida International University | 15PNIJ-21-GG-04173-COAP | $437,665 | |
Illuminating the Dark: Molecular Networking as a Novel Psychoactive Substance Identification Strategy | University of Wisconsin | 15PNIJ-21-GG-04171-COAP | $271,842 | |
Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) | West Virginia University | 15PNIJ-21-GG-04179-COAP | $327,405 | |
The problems with Cannabinoid Analogs (Delta-8 THC, Delta-10 THC, and CBD) and their metabolites detectability in urine drug testing for potential cannabinoid abuse. | Virginia Commonwealth University | 15PNIJ-21-GG-04188-RESS | $161,031 | |
Accurate THC Determinations in Seized Cannabis-derived Finished Products for Forensic Laboratories | National Institute of Standards and Technology | DJO-NIJ-22-RO-0002 | $463,932 | |
Chemical Foundations of a Cannabis Breathalyzer | National Institute of Standards & Technology | 2019-90292-CO-DU | $481,103 | |
Non-Contact Detection of Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opioids | Naval Research Laboratory | DJO-NIJ-19-RO-0011 | $605,696 | |
Research to Develop Validated Methods for THC Quantification in Complex Matrices by High-resolution DART-MS Focus on Edibles and Plant Materials | The Research Foundation for the SUNY | 2019-DU-BX-0026 | $465,724 | |
Combining LC-MS/MS Product-Ion Scan Technology with GC-MS Analysis to Identify Drugs and Poisons in Postmortem Fluids and Tissues | Miami-Dade County | 2019-DU-BX-0002 | $372,438 | |
Identification of Anticoagulant Adulterants in Seized Material and Biological Samples | Fredric Rieders Family Foundation: CFSRE | 2019-DU-BX-0020 | $412,100 | |
Phase II Metabolites of Drugs in Hair: A Potential Solution for Environmental Contamination | Research Triangle Institute | 2019-DU-BX-0021 | $295,625 | |
Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensor for Rapid Opioid Detection in Seized Substances | Florida International University | 2019-DU-BX-0024 | $365,101 | |
Fast On-Site Screening of Seized Drugs by Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Tools: Identification of Fentanyl and Novel Psychoactive Subst | West Virginia University Research Corporation | 2019-DU-BX-0030 | $267,438 | |
Through the Looking Glass Part II: Abuse of the Evolving Electronic Cigarette and the Impact of Vaping Ethanol in the Evaluation of Impairment | Virginia Commonwealth University | 2019-NE-BX-0007 | $1,241,355 | |
Prevalence of fentanyl and its analogues in a court-ordered mandatory drug testing population | Research Triangle Institute | 2019-R2-CX-0017 | $239,196 | |
Extraction and quantification of fentanyl and metabolites from complex biological matrices to support medicolegal death investigations | West Virginia University | 2019-R2-CX-0037 | $100,000 | |
Novel GLC-based Method for Identification of Positional Isomeric Fentanyls | University of North Texas | 2019-R2-CX-0043 | $50,000 | |
Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensor for Rapid Identification of Marijuana from Hemp | Florida International University | 2019-R2-CX-0045 | $50,000 | |
The Effects of Synthetic Cathinone Chirality on Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics and Its Implications for Forensic Toxicology | Virginia Commonwealth University | 2019-R2-CX-0046 | $149,960 | |
Evaluating the Robustness and Ruggedness of a Statistical Method for Comparison of Mass Spectral Data for Seized Drug Identification | Michigan State University | 2020-DQ-BX-0001 | $228,919 | |
Real-Time Sample-Mining and Data-Mining Approaches for the Discovery of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) | Fredric Rieders Family Foundation: CFSRE | 2020-DQ-BX-0007 | $555,401 | |
Assessment of the Contribution to Drug Impaired Driving from Emerging and Undertested Drugs | Fredric Rieders Family Foundation: CFSRE | 2020-DQ-BX-0009 | $478,783 | |
Biomarkers of Cannabis Exposure in Exhaled Breath Condensate and Oral Fluid | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2020-DQ-BX-0011 | $434,273 | |
Expanded Quantitative Cannabinoid Testing in Biological Specimens to Combat the Ever Changing Cannabis Landscape | Virginia Department of Forensic Science | 2020-DQ-BX-0017 | $290,353 | |
Validation of a LC-DAD-ESI/MS/MS method for the accurate measurement of delta-9-THC and delta-9-THCA-A among twenty cannabinoids in various | Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University | 2020-DQ-BX-0021 | $160,181 | |
Wastewater Epidemiology To Examine Stimulant Trends (weTEST) | University of Kentucky Research Foundation | 2020-R2-CX-0013 | $862,567 | |
LC-QqQ-MS screening assay for abused drug exposure based on covalent peptide/protein modification | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2020-R2-CX-0023 | $100,000 | |
Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Modified Microelectrode Arrays for Rapid In-Field Analysis of Trace Illicit Substances in Oral Fluid | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 2020-R2-CX-0036 | $150,000 | |
DUID Toxicology Laboratory Guidelines - Broad Testing | Federal Bureau of Investigation | DJO-NIJ-20-RO-0008 | $562,699 | |
Accurate THC Determinations in Seized Cannabis Samples for Forensic Laboratories | National Institute of Standards and Technology | DJO-NIJ-20-RO-0009 | $350,000 | |
Development of an Open Source Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) Search Software and Library Building Tool for the Anal | National Institute of Standards and Technology | DJO-NIJ-20-RO-0012 | $198,290 | |
Novel Quantitation Workflow for Improved Drug Surveillance | University of Pittsburgh | 2018-75-CX-0006 | $624,989 | |
High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Screening in Forensic Toxicology: Cost Benefit Analysis | Sam Houston State University | 2018-75-CX-0040 | $306,688 | |
Structural Characterization of Emerging Synthetic Drugs | West Virginia University Research Corporation | 2018-75-CX-0033 | $368,415 | |
Identification of Drugs in Powders, Tablets, Liquids, and Plant Material Via Total Vaporization Solid Phase Microextraction (TV-SPME) | Trustees of Indiana University | 2018-75-CX-0035 | $96,469 | |
Development of a Comprehensive Workflow for Postmortem Insulin Testing in Cases of Suspected Insulin Homicide | The Fredric Rieders Family Foundation | 2018-75-CX-0039 | $299,529 | |
Evaluating Analytical Parameters and Understanding Drug-Matrix Interactions in Forensic Hair Analysis | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2018-75-CX-0037 | $400,349 | |
Development of Portable Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Nanosensors for Ultrasensitive Characterization of Drugs in Human Biofluids | Trustees of Indiana University | 2018-75-CX-0034 | $445,244 | |
Through the E-Cigarette Looking Glass: The Impact of Vaping Ethanol on DUI Investigations | Virginia Commonwealth University | 2018-75-CX-0036 | $517,961 | |
Detection and Identification of Psychoactive Material Based On SPME-facilitated DART-MS-derived Headspace Chemical Signatures and Chemometrics | The Research Foundation for the SUNY, University at Albany | 2018-R2-CX-0012 | $100,000 | |
Increasing Safety, Speed, Sensitivity, and Selectivity of Controlled Substance Analysis | Maryland State Police | 2018-DU-BX-0165 | $299,234 | |
A Paradigm Shift in Forensic Toxicology Screening: The Development and Validation of Two Automated Sample Preparation Techniques for the Comprehensive Screening of Biological Matrices Using High Resol | Department of Forensic Science | 2018-DU-BX-0168 | $448,063 | |
Establishing Sufficiency Thresholds for Assessing the Quality of Mass Spectral Data | Houston Forensic Science Center, Inc. | 2018-DU-BX-0184 | $282,703 | |
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry of Fentanyl | Office of National Drug Control Policy/ Drug Enforcement Administration | 15DDHQ18P00000344 | $312,500 | |
Toxicological Time Travel: Retrospective Datamining of Analytical Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Data for Evaluating the Rise and Fall of Novel Opioid and Fentanyl Analog Use in the United States | Fredric Rieders Family Foundation: CFSRE | 2017-DN-BX-0169 | $499,005 | |
Development of Improved Extraction/Purification Methods for LC-QqQ-MS Analysis of Novel Psychoactive Substances | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2017-IJ-CX-0004 | $50,000 | |
Optimization of Pretreatment Parameters in Hair Analysis for Drugs of Abuse and Understanding Protein-Drug Physicochemical Interactions | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2017-IJ-CX-0005 | $50,000 | |
Novel Blood Protein Modification Assay for Retrospective Detection of Drug Exposure - Development and Validation | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2017-MU-BX-0002 | $467,885 | |
A More Timely Process for Identifying and Analyzing Trends of Emerging Novel Psychoactive Substances in the United States | Temple University – Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Edu | 2017-R2-CX-0002 | $49,994 | |
Development and Application of Small-molecule Spatial Distribution Imaging: Laser Ablation Direct Analysis in Real Time Imaging-Mass Spectrometry (LADI-MS) | The State University of New York, University at Albany | 2017-R2-CX-0003 | $50,000 | |
Coupling Gas Chromatography (GC) and Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Spectroscopy for Forensic Applications | Trustees of Indiana University | 2017-R2-CX-0018 | $370,180 | |
Prevalence of Novel Psychoactive Substances in Oral Fluid | Sam Houston State University | 2017-R2-CX-0019 | $311,221 | |
Chemometric Processing of DART-HRMS-derived Dark Matter for the Identification of New Psychoactive Substances | The Research Foundation for the SUNY, University at Albany | 2017-R2-CX-0020 | $558,282 | |
Retrospective Identification of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Forensic Toxicology Casework using Archived High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data | Fredric Rieders Family Foundation: CFSRE | 2017-R2-CX-0021 | $494,695 | |
Coupling Raman Spectroscopy with Ambient Sampling, Portable Mass Spectrometry for On-site, High-Throughput Evidence Confirmation on a Single Instrumental Platform | Illinois State University | 2017-R2-CX-0022 | $298,100 | |
The Use of Gas Chromatography with Tandem Ultra Violet and Mass Spectrometric Detection for the Analysis of Emerging Drugs. Application to Synthetic Cathinones and Fentanyl Analogs. | The George Washington University | 2017-R2-CX-0028 | $275,221 | |
Development of Matrix Matched Quality Control Materials and Sample Preparation Techniques for the Analysis of Marijuana Infused Products and their Application to Edible Testing | Virginia Commonwealth University | 2017-R2-CX-0029 | $215,830 | |
Chasing the Electronic Cigarette Dragon - Characterizing the Evolution and Impact of Design and Content | Virginia Commonwealth University | 2016-DN-BX-0150 | $139,233 | |
Evaluation of sample preparation techniques for Matrix Effects and Absolute Recovery using UPLC-MS/MS using opiates and liver tissue specimens as the model and application to post-mortem toxicology | Virginia Commonwealth University | 2016-DN-BX-0148 | $91,017 | |
Forensic Chemistry of Substituted N-Benzylmethoxy (N-BOMe) Phenethylamines: Isomeric Designer Drugs Related to 25I-N-BOMe | Auburn University | 2016-DN-BX-0175 | $215,000 | |
The Utility of Multi-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Seized Drugs: Application to Emerging Drugs | The George Washington University | 2016-DN-BX-0169 | $208,339 | |
Rapid and Accurate On-Site Screening for a Broad Range of Synthetic Cathinones by Electronic Drug Analyzer Based on a Cross-Reactive Aptamer | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2016-DN-BX-0167 | $208,989 | |
Differences in Cannabis Impairment and its Measurement Due to Route of Administration | Research Triangle Institute | 2016-DN-BX-0193 | $1,209,914 | |
The Evaluation of Alternative Sample Preparation Techniques for Use in Forensic Laboratories | Research Triangle Institute | 2016-DN-BX-0192 | $787,719 | |
Long-term Stability of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Biological Matrices | Research Triangle Institute | 2016-DN-BX-0191 | $457,046 | |
Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Pharmacology of Emerging Synthetic Opioids | Keck Graduate Institute | 2016-DN-BX-0059 | $618,790 | |
Evaluation of Peer Review and Verification Processes | Georgia Bureau of Investigation | 2016-DN-BX-K005 | $78,670 | |
Analytical Validation and Impact Assessment of On-Site Evidence Screening via Ambient Sampling, Portable Mass Spectrometry | Illinois State University | 2015-IJ-CX-K011 | $299,753 | |
Development of Modern Microcrystal Tests for Controlled Drugs, Diverted Pharmaceuticals and Bath Salts | McCrone Research Institute, Inc. | 2015-IJ-CX-K010 | $122,428 | |
One Pot Effluent Characterization and Standoff Detection Feasibility | Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC | 2015-90789-SC-DN | $452,765 | |
Automated Derivatization and Identification of Controlled Substances via Total Vaporization Solid Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry | Trustees of Indiana University | 2015-DN-BX-K058 | $190,223 | |
Statistical and Mass Spectral Tools for the Identification and Characterization of Synthetic Phenethylamines | Michigan State University | 2015-IJ-CX-K008 | $239,652 | |
Monitoring Changes in the Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Market through Enhanced Identification of Emerging Drugs and their Metabolites in Biological Samples | The Fredric Rieders Family Renaissance Foundation | 2015-IJ-CX-K012 | $378,153 | |
Prediction of Drug Interactions with Methadone, Buprenorphine and Oxycodone from in vitro Inhibition of Metabolism: A Continuation | University of Utah | 2015-IJ-CX-K009 | $1,276,160 | |
The Application of Gold Nanoparticles for the Trace Detection of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Saliva and Urine by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | Florida International University | 2015-IJ-CX-K006 | $333,582 | |
Novel Blood Protein Modification Assay for Retrospective Detection of Drug Exposure | Florida International University | 2015-NE-BX-K001 | $195,710 | |
Development of Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometric and Multivariate Statistical Analysis Methods for Rapid High Throughput Analysis and Identification of Psychotropic Plant Species | University at Albany | 2015-DN-BX-K057 | $688,158 | |
Evaluating the effectiveness of liquid chromatography-time of flight-mass spectrometry (LC-TOF-MS) as a replacement screening tool in a full-service, state forensic toxicology laboratory | Washington State Patrol | 2015-DN-BX-K055 | $150,000 | |
Development and Validation of Two Innovative Quantitative Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Methods for Forensic Toxicology Laboratories: Novel Analysis of Designer Drugs and Simultaneous | Department of Forensic Science | 2015-DN-BX-K008 | $149,504 | |
Department; Optimal Extraction Methods of THC from Infused Products | City and County of Denver - Denver Police Department | 2015-DN-BX-K028 | $138,466 | |
Multi-site Evaluations of Courts on the Frontline: Systematically Assessing Implementation and Intermediate Outcomes in Veterans Treatment Courts | Missouri State University | 2015-VV-BX-K020 | $761,231 | |
Research on Contraband and Interdiction Modalities Used in Correctional Facilities | Urban Institute | 2015-IJ-CX-K001 | $499,999 | |
The Utility of Ultra High Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography for the Analysis of Seized Drugs: Application to Synthetic Cannabinoids and Bath Salts | George Washington University | 2014-R2-CX-K009 | $292,808 | |
A Systematic Evaluation of the Analysis of Drug Microcrystals Using Infrared Microspectroscopy | West Chester University of Pennsylvania | 2014-R2-CX-K008 | $53,481 | |
Development of Heated Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for Chemical Profiling of Marijuana | Sam Houston State University | 2014-R2-CX-K005 | $166,347 | |
Characterization and Abuse of Electronic Cigarettes: The Efficacy of “Personal Vaporizers” as an Illicit Drug Delivery System | Virginia Commonwealth University | 2014-R2-CX-K010 | $339,126 | |
Forensic Toxicological Screening/Confirmation of 500+ Designer Drugs by LCQTOF- MS and LC-QqQ-MS Analysis | , Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2014-R2-CX-K006 | $396,970 | |
Data Mining PCC Annual Reports | University of Utah | 2014-R2-CX-K012 | $176,030 | |
Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Drug and Drug Metabolite Screening Directly from Postmortem Blood Samples | Trustees of Indiana University | 2014-R2-CX-K007 | $273,826 | |
Characterization of Performance-Enhancing Peptides via Inlet Ionization on DART-TOF/MS | Harris County, TX | 2013-DN-BX-K020 | $80,765 | |
Characterization of Performance-Enhancing Peptides via Inlet Ionization on DART-TOF/MS | Harris County, TX | 2013-DN-BX-K020 | $80,765 | |
Statistical Analysis and Forensics Determination of Designer Drugs via Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) | The Research Foundation for The SUNY, University at Albany | 2013-DN-BX-K041 | $284,562 | |
Bath Salt-type Aminoketone Designer Drugs: Analytical and Synthetic Studies on Substituted Cathinones | Auburn University | 2013-DN-BX-K022 | $344,325 | |
Aptamer-Based, Exonuclease-Amplified, Paper Device for Point of Collection Screening of Cocaine and Methamphetamine in Oral Fluid | Florida International University | 2013-DN-BX-K032 | $352,223 | |
Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair: Surface Contamination and Localization of Analytes | Research Triangle Institute | 2013-DN-BX-K021 | $343,845 | |
Dried Blood Spot Analysis as an Emerging Technology for Application in Forensic Toxicology | Research Triangle Institute | 2013-DN-BX-K017 | $571,987 | |
Long-Term Stability of Synthetic Cathinones in Forensic Toxicology Samples | Sam Houston State University | 2013-R2-CX-K006 | $180,384 | |
Identification and Prevalence Determination of Novel Recreational Drugs and Discovery of Their Metabolites in Blood, Urine and Oral Fluid | The Center for Forensic Science Research and Education | 2013-DN-BX-K018 | $225,610 | |
Improved Detection of Synthetic Cathinones ("Bath Salts") in Forensic Toxicology Samples | Sam Houston State University | 2012-R2-CX-K003 | $190,227 | |
Transition Metal Cluster Compounds for the Fluorescent Identification and Trace Detection of Substances of Abuse | University of Central Florida | 2012-R2-CX-K005 | $163,385 | |
Forensic Chemistry of Substituted 1-Alkyl-3-Acylindoles: Isomeric Synthetic Cannabinoids. | Auburn University | 2012-DN-BX-K026 | $865,784 | |
The Evaluation of Laser Diode Thermal Desorption (LDTD) for High Throughput Analysis of Controlled Substances and Toxicology in Forensic Sciences | Research Triangle Institute | 2012-R2-CX-K004 | $331,494 | |
Characterization of Designer Drugs: Chemical Stability, Exposure, and Metabolite Identification | Research Triangle Institute | 2012-R2-CX-K001 | $799,360 | |
Analytical and Synthetic Studies on Designer Drugs of the Piperazine Class | Auburn University | 2011-DN-BX-K530 | $484,819 | |
Separation and Identification of Drugs of Abuse Using ESI-IMS-MS | Florida International University | 2011-DN-BX-K531 | $241,447 | |
Comprehensive Forensic Toxicological Analysis Of Designer Drugs | The Florida International University Board of Trustees | 2011-DN-BX-K559 | $143,225 | |
Development of a Modern Compendium of Microcrystal Tests for Illicit Drugs and Diverted Pharmaceuticals | McCrone Research Institute | 2011-DN-BX-K528 | $199,712 | |
Prediction of Drug Interactions with Methadone, Buprenorphine and Oxycodone from in vitro Inhibition of Metabolism | University of Utah | 2011-DN-BX-K532 | $1,058,604 | |
Raman Spectroscopy with Multi-component Searching for Complex Clandestine Laboratory Sample Analysis | Commonwealth of Kentucky | 2010-DN-BX-K178 | $118,195 | |
Research and Development on Instrumental Analysis for Forensic Science Applications | Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department | 2010-DN-BX-K201 | $258,054 | |
Expansion of a Cheminformatic Database of Spectral Data for Forensic Chemists and Toxicologists | Research Triangle Institute | 2010-DN-BX-K177 | $499,804 | |
Analysis of Cocaine Analytes in Human Hair II: Evaluation of Different Hair Color and Ethnicity Types | Research Triangle Institute | 2008-DN-BX-K179 | $519,146 | |
VT 2008 Research and Development in the Area of Controlled Substances Detection and Analysis | Vermont Department of Public Safety | 2008-DN-BX-K161 | $92,888 | |
Development of a Thin Layer Chromatography Method for the Separation of Enantiomers Using Chiral Mobile Phase Additives | Virginia Department of Forensic Science | 2008-DN-BX-K140 | $49,774 | |
Development of an AccuTOF-DART Database of Potential Toxins and Drugs for Use by Forensic Laboratories | Research Triangle Institute | 2008-DN-BX-K180 | $817,415 | |
Designer Amphetamines in Forensic Toxicology: Analysis and Prevalence | Sam Houston State University | 2008-DN-BX-K126 | $465,492 | |
MicroCantilever (MC) based Robust Sensing Approach for Controlled Substances | Ames Laboratory | 2008-90092-IA-DN | $685,000 | |
Evaluation of New and Nobel Direct Sample Introduction, Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Instrument for Postmortem Toxicology Screen | Research Triangle Institute | 2006-DN-BX-K014 | $484,545 | |
Development and Production of Reference Materials for Control and Calibration of Hair Drug Testing | Research Triangle Institute | 2006-DN-BX-K012 | $212,344 | |
Field Detection of Drug and Explosive Odor Signatures using SPME-IMS | Florida International University | 2006-DN-BX-K027 | $480,881 | |
Synthesis and Analytical Profiles for Regiosomeric and Isobaric Amines Related to MDMA, MDEA and MBDB: Differentiation of Drug and non-Drug Substances of Mass Spectral Equivalence | Auburn University | 2006-DN-BX-K016 | $533,746 | |
Analysis of Cocaine Analytes in Human Hair: Evaluation of Concentration Ratios in Different Hair Types, Cocaine Sources, Drug User Populations, and Surface-Contaminated Specimens | Research Triangle Institute | 2006-DN-BX-K019 | $200,307 | |
Enhanced Studies of LC/MS/MS Capabilities to Analyze Toxicology Postmortem Samples | Georgia Bureau of Investigation | 2006-DN-BX-K015 | $136,220 | |
Scientific Working Dog Group and Orthogonal Detectors (SWGDOG) | Florida International University | 2005-IJ-CX-K031 | $370,823 | |
Enhanced Forensic Mass Spectrometry Methods | West Virginia University Research Corporation | 2005-IJ-CX-K014 | $169,091 | |
The development of microfluidic devices for the rapid isolation and detection of drugs of abuse | Florida International University | 2004-WG-BX-K077 | $499,865 | |
Proposal for Forensic Analysis of Evidence from Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories | Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Division | 2003-LT-BX-K004 | $316,222 | |
Use of LC/MS/MS to Rapidly Perform First-Pass Screening for Drugs and Poisons in Postmortem Toxicology Cases | Georgia Bureau of Investigation | 2003-IJ-CX-K007 | $407,451 | |
Application of Solid Phase Microextraction Methods for Forensic Toxicological Analysis of Postmortem and Decomposed Samples | Sam Houston State University | 2003-IJ-CX-K002 | $58,264 | |