Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Hate crime statistics (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
FBI Civil Rights Program combats hate crime by investigating crimes, including cold cases; assisting and training state and local law enforcement; and conducting public outreach.
National DNA Database Statistics (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
The National DNA Index (NDIS) contains over 14,541,796 profiles of those convicted of a crime, 4,341,864 profiles of those arrested and 1,103,683 forensic profiles as of April 2021. Ultimately, the success of the CODIS program will be measured by the crimes it helps to solve. CODIS's primary metric, the "Investigation Aided," tracks the number of criminal investigations where CODIS has added value to the investigative...
Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 5: Representation of Statistical Weight to Stakeholders and the Court
Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 6: Probabilistic Genotyping in Court
Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 4: Validation of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems for Casework Usage
Uniform Crime Reports (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program collects statistics on crime. Site includes data collected, publications and other resources.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Information on victims, assailants and circumstances, broken down by state and region.
Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results - Module 1: The Elements of DNA Profile Interpretation and Probabilistic Genotyping
NIJ's 50th Anniversary - Looking Back, Looking Forward
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