Police research
Dialogue that Works: Examining Police Communication Strategies and Citizen Compliance
Schoolhouse interrogations and confessions: Perspectives from principals and students
Exploring the Intersection of Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, and Other Criminal Activity in the United States
Does Training Police Officers In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Improve Use Of Force Outcomes? An Experimental Evaluation With Systematic Social Observation in the Colorado Springs Police Department
Research, Evaluation, and Analysis of Call Handling on Three-Digit Hotlines (REACH-3D)
Validating the ASB 122: Best Practice Recommendation for Performing Alcohol Calculations in Forensic Toxicology
Exploring Officer Patrol Behaviors Using Automated Vehicle Locator and Body-Worn Camera Data in Kansas City, Missouri
A Process, Adaptation, and Outcome Evaluation of San Gabriel Valley Crisis Assistance Response & Engagement (SGV CARE)
Exploring the Impact of Station Dog Programs on Agency Wellness and Community Relationships
Policing Leadership and Accountability: Harnessing Big Data and Causal Inference for Evaluating Police Reform Practices
The Mortal Tragedy: Analyzing Body Disposal Patterns in Homicide Cases
We Met Them Where They Are, But Is It Enough? A Qualitative Examination Of A Co-Response Outreach Program Servicing Vulnerable Populations in Philadelphia
Criminal Justice Testing and Evaluation Consortium
Criminal Justice Requirements and Resources Consortium
2022 Law Enforcement Drug Response Summit Archive
An evaluation of the SEPTA police SAVE initiative
NIJ FY 13 Evaluation of Police and Technology in Schools
NIJ seeks proposals for research to evaluate the use of police and technology in schools. The proposed research should be comprehensive and include assessment of aspects such as school ecology, culture, climate, and social capital in addition to outcomes and other impacts. Logic models should be provided and include assessment of implementation processes and outputs and proximal and distal outcomes. A cost-benefit component should be...
Improving the Response to Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation Materials: A Multi-Method, Multi-Informant National Study
Enhancing Procedural Justness of Encounters Through Substantiation (EPJETS): The Atlantic County Randomized Controlled Trial.
In search of: Police responses to those experiencing homelessness
Managing Protests: A National Study of Police Policies and Practices
Examining the multifaceted impacts of drug decriminalization on public safety, law enforcement, and prosecutorial discretion
Fatal and Non-Fatal Intimate Partner and Family Violence Against Older Women: An Exploration of Age and Police Response to Inform Research, Policy and Practice
Advancing Understanding, and Informing Prevention of Public Mass Shootings: Findings from NIJ Funded Studies, Part 2
In recent years, NIJ invested in several research projects to advance understanding and inform prevention of public mass shootings.
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