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GeneMapper– ID v3.2

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GeneMapper ID Software
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) (see reuse policy).

GeneMapper® ID (GMID) is an automated genotyping program that combines the functions of the GeneScan® analysis software and Genotyper® software into one package. The software program designates peaks in electropherograms by sizing and makes allele calls through size comparisons to an allelic ladder.

GMID provides the flexibility to analyze data in either a Macintosh (classic analysis mode) or a PC (advanced mode). One difference for the advanced mode using the Windows NT format is in the smoothing algorithm; both classic and advance modes smooth before the data are analyzed.

The unique features in the GMID (v3.1 and v3.2) not previously present in the GS/GT software combination are presented below.02,06

Unique Features in the GMID (v3.1 and v3.2)

Unique FeatureDescription
CODIS ExportThe software can export results in a CODIS recognized format (cmf v1.0 and 3.0).
Process Component-Based Quality Values (PQV)The PQV system automatically assigns values to the quality of the data in respect to sizing and allele calling. Poor quality samples are those below the user defined thresholds.

GeneMapper® ID Database


Note: The database does not store individual sample files.

GeneMapper® ID database stores the following data:

  • Predefined and custom-designed size standard definitions
  • Panel, marker (loci), and allele bin definitions
  • Analysis methods
  • Table profiles (for generating tabular reports)
  • Saved projects with sizing and genotyping results
  • Matrix files (310 and 377 instruments only)
  • Plot settings
Automated concordance checks
  • GeneMapper® ID software compares genotype concordance between overlapping loci among different AmpFL STR kits for the same sample(s), or concordance of genotype calls from duplicate amplifications or duplicate injections of the same sample.
  • Positive and negative controls give the expected allele calls.
Export Combined Table format
  • When exporting from the Samples view, you can now export samples that do not pass sizing along with samples that pass sizing. This feature combines columns from the sample table and the genotype table and exports them as a single table.
  • There are two display options when exporting samples: one line per marker and one line per sample (This is similar to the Make Allele table in the Genotyper® Software.)
Changes to the electropherogram displays
  • The software now provides the option to display labeled peak assignments for all size standards. The user can quickly identify peaks visually and perform a size precision test. The labeled peak assignments are printable.
  • When switching from the "align by base pair" to the "align by data point" views for the x-axis, the labels associated with the peaks are now retained in both views.
Allelic LadderGenemapper ID uses the average sizes of the alleles between multiple-run allelic ladders to determine the allelic bin offsets (whereas Genotyper uses a single run ladder sample).

An important feature of this software, which is unique to the first release and carried through to subsequent versions, is the use of PQVs (process quality values). The PQV system is the first step in the direction of expert systems analysis. User-defined process quality values generate notifications to help provide confidence in allele calls and to aid in troubleshooting. It is important for analysts to read about and understand their purpose and function in the user's manual. Analysts should experiment with settings to ensure that notifications correspond with laboratory procedures. Prior to implementation, laboratories must conduct proper validation.02,06

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