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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


The expert should treat opposing counsel courteously, no matter how abusive or aggressive the attorney might become. The expert should never engage in a one-upmanship discourse with opposing counsel.

To point out that opposing counsel does not understand the testimony or the scientific field results in the expert appearing arrogant and adversarial. Such a demeanor is certain to antagonize. Expertise should be evident without being overstated.

Understanding and asserting your rights as an expert witness requires constant attention to detail. Maintaining a professional, polite and calm demeanor will produce better results during overly aggressive examinations. Know your rights. Be ready to assert your rights but do not "shoot from the hip"; assess the situation and the consequences of your actions.

Understanding your rights, and knowing how to preserve and protect those rights, helps create a better mindset with which to develop your strategy, apply the appropriate techniques, and avoid repercussions when confronting abusive, improper or inappropriate conduct.

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