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To improve performance in future trial assignments, the expert may find it useful to conduct a self-review or self-evaluation after testifying. Important factors to consider in the post-testimony self-evaluation include:
- Subject of the expert's testimony.
- Quality of the expert's investigation.
- Quality of the expert's written report.
- Overall integrity and candor.
- Demeanor as a witness.
- Preparation for trial and deposition testimony.
- Overall credibility.
- Expert's effectiveness in response to cross-examination of credentials and work product.
- Expert's ability to "teach" effectively.
- Expert's adherence to the standard testing and investigative protocol.
- Expert's cooperation with the sponsoring counsel.
- Expert's impression as "professional witness."
- Expert's ability to access a database of prior writings and testimony.
- Expert's effectiveness in handling confrontation about prior inconsistent writings or testimony.
- Appropriateness of expert's dress, appearance, or mannerisms.