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Criminal Justice Information Service-Wide Area Network (CJIS-WAN)

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Criminal Justice Information Service-Wide Area Network

As stated previously, a weekly search is conducted of all the DNA profiles in the NDIS, and any resulting matches between profiles are automatically returned to the laboratories that submitted those profiles. This communication between CODIS laboratories and NDIS is accomplished via the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Service-Wide Area Network (CJIS-WAN). The CJIS-WAN is a secure intranet that allows data transmission between computers on the closed network. All communications between a state laboratory's CODIS software and NDIS, as well as communications between CODIS software in different states, are conducted via the CJIS-WAN.

DNA profiles are entered into CODIS from laboratories at the local (LDIS), state (SDIS) and national (NDIS) levels.

Illustration of NDIS
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) (see reuse policy).

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