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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Avoiding Pitfalls of Selective Fact Gathering

An expert can follow key steps to avoid the pitfalls of selective fact gathering or fact presentation: 

  • Keep an open mind.
  • Do not approach a case with predetermined conclusions about causation, culpability, fault or damage.
  • Remember that attorneys and others may come to the lab or expert with facts that may be slanted, either accidentally or intentionally.
  • Carefully follow well-established investigative steps, protocols and standards of procedure.
  • Apply forms, procedures and processes that will ensure that no evidence is overlooked.
  • Observe all professional ethical guidelines.
  • Recognize the expert's vital role in the criminal justice and dispute resolution process.

The causes for adverse trial results from selective or inadequate fact investigation may be due to: 

  • Attorney oversight in failing to ask the right questions of the right parties.
  • Misstatements of fact by parties because of faulty recollection, lack of appreciation of the significance of facts, or intentional nondisclosure of facts (i.e., lying).
  • Inadequate investigation by the expert due to:
    • Failure to test and explore evidence fully.
    • Lack of proper direction, inadequate time, or lack of equipment.
    • Inadequate direction pursued by attorney or other parties.

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