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Español for Law Enforcement



Group of Hispanic people
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) (see reuse policy).

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to identify the Spanish pronunciation and the phonetic spelling of:

Interrogatives are words that are used to begin a question, and more importantly, the starting point of obtaining information. Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Who?

What?¿Qué? or ¿Cuál?


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What?



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Where?

Why?¿Por qué?


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Why?



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of How?

How many?¿Cuánto(s)?


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of How many?



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of When?

Some of these words are used several times a day by law enforcement personnel to gather information. Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
first nameel (primer) nombre

ehl (pree-MEHR) NOHM-breh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of first name

last nameel apellido

ehl ah-peh-YEE-doh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of last name

nicknameel apodo

ehl ah-POH-doh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of nickname

addressla dirección

lah dee-rehk-see-OHN

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of address

apartmentel apartmento

ehl ah-pahr-tah-MEHN-toh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of apartment

telephone numberel número de teléfono

ehl NOO-meh-roh deh teh-LEH-foh-noh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of telephone number

work/jobel trabajo

ehl trah-BAH-hoh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of work/job

cityla ciudad

lah seeoo-DAHD

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of city

stateel estado

ehl eh-STAH-doh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of state

countryel país

ehl pie-EES

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of country

zip codeel código postal

ehl KOH-dee-goh poh-STAHL

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of zip code

nationalityla nacionalidad

lah nah-see-oh-nah-lee-DAHD

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of nationality

birthdayel cumpleaños

ehl koom-pleh-AH-nyohs

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of birthday

date of birthla fecha de nacimiento

lah FEH-chah deh nah-see-MEEAYN-toh

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of date of birth

marital statusel estado civil

ehl ehs-TAH-doh see-VEEL

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of marital status

social security numberel número de seguro social

ehl NOO-meh-roh deh seh-GOO-roh soh-SEEAHL

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of social security number



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of divorced



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of married



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of separated



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of single



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of widowed

living with someoneviviendo con alguien

vee-VEEAYN-doh kohn AHL-geeayn

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of living with someone

Interview Questions and Phrases

This section will present common Spanish words, phrases, and questions. The following are examples of questions that you may ask someone to gain more information.


Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Do you have a driver's license?¿Tiene una licencia de manejar con usted?

¿TEEAY-neh OO-nah lee-SEHN-seeah deh mah-neh-HAHR kohn oo-STEHD?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you have a driver's

Do you have identification?¿Tiene identificación?

¿TEEAY-neh ee-dehn-tee-fee-kah-see-OHN?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you have identification?

Can I see it?¿Puedo verla?

¿PWEH-doh VEHR-lah?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Can I see it?

What is your full name?¿Cuál es su nombre completo?

¿KWAHL ehs soo NOHM-breh kohm-PLEH-toh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your full name?

What is your middle initial?¿Cuál es su segunda inicial?

¿KWAHL ehs soo seh-GOON-doh ee-nee-SEE-ahl?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your middle initial?

What is your first name and last name?¿Cuál es su primer nombre y apellido?

¿KWAHL ehs soo pree-MEHR NOHM-breh ee ah-peh-YEE-doh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your first name and last name?

Do you use other names?¿Usa algunos otros nombres?

¿OO-sah ahl-GOON-ohs OH-trohs NOHM-brehs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you use other names?

Do you have a nickname?¿Tiene un apodo?

¿TEEAY-neh OON ah-POH-doh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you have a nickname?

Practical Application of Questions

When completing a report, you will need to obtain specific information about the incident. There are many questions to ask and many ways to ask a question.

In this section, we will present more questions that render specific answers that may impact your decisions and actions.

Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
What is your phone number at home (work)?¿Cuál es su número de teléfono de casa (trabajo)?

¿KWAHL ehs soo NOO-meh-roh deh teh-LEH-foh-noh deh KAH-sah (trah-BAH-hoh)?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your phone number at home (work)?

What is your complete address?¿Cuál es su direccióne completa?

( ¿KWAHL ehs soo dee-rehk-see-OHN kohm-PLEH-tah?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your complete address?

What is your apartment number or letter?¿Cuál es su número o letra del apartmento?

¿KWAHL ehs soo NOO-meh-roh OH LEH-trah dehl ah-pahr-tah-MEHN-toh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your apartment number or letter?

Your city and state?¿Su ciudad y estado de residencia?

¿soo seeoo-DAHD ee eh-STAH-doh deh reh-see-dehn-SEE-ah?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Your city and state? ?

What is your date of birth?¿Cuál es su fecha de nacimiento?

¿KWAHL ehs soo FEH-chah deh nah-see-mee-EHN-toh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What is your date of birth?

Your social security number?¿Su número de seguro social?

¿soo NOO-meh-roh deh seh-GOO-roh soh-SEEAHL?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Your social security number?

There are common questions that are asked upon arrival at the scene of an accident. One of the first questions you will want to ask is if anyone is injured.

Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Are you okay?¿Está bien?

¿eh-STAH BEE-ehn?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you okay?

Where do you hurt?¿Dónde le duele?

¿DOHN-deh leh DWEH-leh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Where do you hurt?

Do you want to go the hospital?¿Quiere ir al hospital?

¿kee-EH-reh eer ahl ohs-pee-TAHL?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you want to go the hospital?

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: Are you okay?¿Está bien?

¿eh-STAH BEE-en?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you okay?

Person interviewed: No.No.


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No.

Officer: Where do you hurt?¿Dónde le duele?

¿DOHN-deh leh DWEH-leh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Where do you hurt?

Person interviewed: My knee.Mi rodilla.

ehn mee roh-DEE-yah

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of My knee.

Officer: Do you want to go to the hospital?¿Quiere ir al hospital?

¿key-EH-reh eer ahl ohs-pee-TAHL?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you want to go to the hospital?

Person interviewed: No, it'll be okay?No, estaré bien.

noh eh-stah-REH BEE-ehn

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No, it'll be okay?

When gaining control of an incident in which the parties involved speak Spanish, it is beneficial to have basic questions committed to memory.

Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
What happened?¿Qué pasó?

¿KAY pah-SOH?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What happened?

Do you know the person(s)?¿Conoce a la persona qué lo hizo?

¿koh-NOH-seh ah lah pehr-SOH-nah KAY loh EE-soh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of do you know the person?

Are there any witnesses?¿Hay testigos?

¿eye tehs-TEE-gohs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are there any witnesses?

How many in total?¿Cuántos en total?

¿KWAHN-tohs ehn toh-TAHL?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of How many in total?

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: What happened?¿Qué pasó?

¿KAY pah-SOH?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What happened?

Person interviewed: I was walking and they attacked me.Estaba caminando y me atacaron.

eh-STAH-bah kah-mee-NAHN-doh ee meh ah-tah-KAHR-ohn

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I was walking and they attacked me.

Officer: Are there any witnesses?¿Hay testigos?

¿eye tehs-TEE-gohs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are there any witnesses?

Person interviewed: No.No.


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: Do you know who did it?¿Quien lo hizo?

¿kee-EHN loh EE-soh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you know who did it?

Person interviewed: Yes, they are friends of my son and daughter.Sí ellos son amigos de mi hijo y mi hija.

SEE, EH-yohs sohn ah-MEE-gohs deh mee EE-hoh ee mee EE-hah.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, they are friends of my son and daughter.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: How many in total?¿Cuántos eran en total?

¿KWAHN-tohs EH-rahn ehn toh-TAHL?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of How many in total?

Person interviewed: Five men.Eran cinco hombres.

EH-rahn SEEN-koh HOHM-brehs.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Five men.

Officer: Again, tell me what happened.Y otra vez, digame qué pasó, por favor.

ee OH-trah vehs, DEE-gah-meh, KAY pah-SOH, pohr fah-VOHR.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Again, tell me what happened.

When obtaining a description from someone, it is necessary to be as specific as possible in a timely manner.

Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Can you describe the person or persons?¿Puede describir a la persona o las personas?

¿PWEH-deh deh-skree-BEER ah lah pehr-SOH-nah oh lahs pehr-SOH-nahs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Can you describe the person or persons?

Male or female?¿Es hombre o mujer?

( ehs OHM-breh oh moo-HEHR?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Male or female?

Do you know the age of this person?¿Sabe usted la edad de esta persona?

¿SAH-beh oo-STEHD lah eh-DAHD deh EHS-tah pehr-SOH-nah?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you know the age of this person?

Type of build?¿Tipo de cuerpo?

¿TEE-poh deh KWEHR-poh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Type of build? 

How tall in feet and inches?¿Cómo cuánto mide, en pies y pulgadas?

¿KOH-moh KWAHN-toh MEE-deh ehn PEE-ehs ee pool-GAH-dahs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of How tall in feet and inches?

Weight in pounds?¿Cómo cuánto pesa en libras?

¿KOH-moh KWAHN-toh PEH-sah ehn LEE-brahs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Weight in pounds?

What color of hair?¿Qué color de pelo?

¿KAY deh koh-LOHR deh PEH-loh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What color of hair?

What color of eyes?¿Qué color de ojos?

¿KAY deh koh-LOHR deh OH-hohs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What color of eyes?

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: Can you describe the person or persons?¿Puede describir a la persona o las personas?

¿PWEH-deh deh-skree-BEER ah lah pehr-SOH-nah oh lahs pehr-SOH-nahs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Can you describe the person or persons?

Person interviewed: Yes, tall with brown hair.Sí alto con pelo café.

SEE, AHL-toh kohn PEH-loh kah-FEH.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, tall with brown hair.

Officer: ¿Male or female?¿Es hombre o mujer?

¿ehs OHM-breh oh moo-HEHR?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of ¿Male or female?

Person interviewed: Male.Hombre.

OHM-breh oh moo-HEHR.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Male.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: Do you know the age of this person?¿Sabe useted la edad de esta persona?

¿SAH-beh oo-STEHD lah eh-DAHD deh EHS-tah pehr-SOH-nah?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you know the age of this person?

Person interviewed: No.No.


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No.

Officer: Type of build?¿Tipo de cuerpo?

¿TEE-poh deh KWEHR-poh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Type of build?

Person interviewed: LargeGrande.


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Large

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: How tall in feet and inches?¿Cómo cuánto mide, en pies y pulgadas?

¿KOH-moh KWAHN-toh MEE-deh ehn PEE-ehs ee pool-GAH-dahs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of How tall in feet and inches?

Person interviewed: About six feet.Cerca de seis pies.

SEHR-kah deh seys PEE-ehs

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of About six feet.

Officer: Weight in pounds?¿Cómo cuánto pesa en libras?

¿KOH-moh KWAHN-toh PEH-sah ehn LEE-brahs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Weight in pounds?

Person interviewed: One hundred and seventy five.Como ciento setenta y cinco.

koh-moh SEEAYN-toh seh-TEHN-tah ee SEEN-koh.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of One hundred and seventy five.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: What color of hair?¿Qué color de pelo?

¿KAY deh koh-LOHR deh PEH-loh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What color of hair?

Person interviewed: Brown.Café.


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Brown.

Officer: What color of eyes?¿Qué color de ojos?

¿KAY deh koh-LOHR deh OH-hohs?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What color of eyes?

Person interviewed: I think brown.Creo que cafeses.

KREH-oh kay kah-FEH-sehs.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I think brown.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: Type of hair?¿Tipo de pelo?

¿TEE-poh deh PEH-loh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Type of hair?

Person interviewed: Straight.Lacio.


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Straight.

These are some additional phrases that may be needed when interviewing. Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Repeat, please.Repita, por favor.

reh-PEE-tah, pohr fah-VOHR.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Repeat, please.

I don't understand.No entiendo.

noh ehn-tee-EHN-doh.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I don't understand.

I don't know.No sé.

noh SEH.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I don't know.

Slow down, please.Mas despascio, por favor.

mahs deh-SPAHS-see-oh pohr fah-VOHR.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Slow down, please.



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Stop.

Listening to the interviewee is imperative when gathering information about a crime.

Try to recognize key words or phrases that may come up in the conversation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Person interviewed: Yes, it is someone who lives near me. There were three men in total. The driver yelled to his friends twice to get them to leave.Sí es alguien que vive cerca de mi. Eran tres hombres en total. El conductor les llamó a sus amigos dos veces para que se apuraran.

see, ehs AHL-geeayn kay VEE-veh SEHR-kah deh mee. EH-rahn trehs OHM-brehs ehn toh-TAHL. ehl kohn-dook-TOHR lehs yah-MOH ah soos ah-MEE-gohs dohs VEH-sehs PAH-rah kay seh ah-poo-RAHR-ahn

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, it is someone who lives near me. There were three men in total. The driver yelled to his friends twice to get them to leave.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: Ma'am please calm down. Do you know what happened?Señora, cálmese por favor. ¿Conoce a esta persona?

sehn-NYOH-rah KAHL-meh-seh- pohr fah-VOHR. ¿koh-NOH-seh EHS-tah pehr-SOH-nah?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Ma'am please calm down. Do you know what happened?

Person interviewed: Yes, it is someone who lives near me.Sí, es alguien que vive cerca de mi.

see, ehs AHL-geeayn kay VEE-veh SEHR-kah deh mee.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, it is someone who lives near me.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
Officer: Did you get the license plate number?¿Anotó usted el número de placa?

¿ah-noh-TOH oo-STEHD ehl NOO-meh-roh deh PLAH-kah?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Did you get the license plate number?

Person interviewed: No, the car was parked far away.No, el carro estaba estacionado muy lejos.

noh, ehl KAHR-roh eh-STAH-bah ehs-tah-see-oh-NAH-doh MOO-ee LEH-hohs.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No, the car was parked far away.

Officer: What were you doing?¿Qué haciá usted?

¿KAY ah-SEE-ah oo-STEHD?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of What were you doing?

Person interviewed: I went to see if the church was open.Fui a ver sí la iglesia estaba abierta.

fwee ah vehr SEE lah ee-GLEH-see-ah eh-STAH-bah ah-bee-EHR-tah.

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I went to see if the church was open.

When interviewing, it is important to recognize words and phrases that are said, even if you do not understand every word. Your vocabulary should increase as you learn other words and phrases.

Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

EnglishSpanishSpanish Pronunciation
For example, the officer asked:¿Conoce a la persona que lo hizo?

¿koh-NOH-seh ah lah pehr-SOH-nah KAY loh EE-soh?

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you know the person that did it?

The woman replied:Sí es alguien que vive cerca de mi. Pero eran tres hombres en total.

( see, ehs AHL-geeayn kay VEE-veh SEHR-kah deh mee. PEHR-roh EH-rahn trehs OHM-brehs ehn toh-TAHL).

Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of yes, he is someone who lives close to me but there were three men total

You should have recognized five key words:



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of yes



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of live



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of near



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of me



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of three



Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of men


In this lesson you have learned the Spanish pronunciation and phonetic spelling of:

  • Interrogatives
  • Personal information
  • Interview questions and phrases

As a law enforcement officer, it is imperative that you communicate with others. This lesson is an attempt to further your communication skills with Spanish-speaking people.

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Date Created: August 23, 2023