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Español for Law Enforcement


Cerrudo, J. (1995). Spanish for police and firefighters. Guilford: USA:

Crown Publish Group Staff. (1997). Spanish for law enforcement.
     USA: Living Language.

Dent, R. L. (1999). Survival Spanish: The realism perspective.

Garcia, M. (May, 1995). Spanish for law enforcement officers, 2.
     USA: NTC/Contemporary Publishing Company.

Hammit, G. (1985). Learn Spanish the fast and fun way.
     Barron's Educational Series.

Hart, T.L. (January, 1991). Speedy Spanish for police personnel. Santa
     Barbara, USA: Baja Books.

Harvey, W.C. (1996). Spanish for law enforcement personnel. Hauppage,
     New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.

Himilce, N. (1994). Everything you need to know about Latino history.
     Plume Book.

Louisville Division of Police, Spanish language guide.

McCarthy, A.M. & Nocito, J.A. (1998). Spanish for public safety personnel.
     Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, Inc.

Noble, J. & Lacasa, J. (1991). The Hispanic way. Passport Books.

Oliver, J.A. & Lebredo, R. (1996, October). Spanish for law enforcement.
     Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company (College Division).

Partners in Training Consultants. (Revised: 1998). Survival and
     communication Spanish for law enforcement guide. Tucson, Arizona.

Rudman, J. (1994, October). Every-day Spanish for policer officers.
     Syosset: USA: National Learning Corporation.

Slick, S.L. (1992, December). Survival Spanish for law enforcement officers.
     Petal: USA: Command Spanish.

Smith, V.B. (1997, January). Spanish for law enforcement. Vestavia Hills:
     USA: International Press America.

Wong. (1997, November). Spanish for law enforcement, reference manual.
     USA: Language Institute of Colima