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The QAS require the following:

  • Analytical procedures must describe reagents, sample preparation, extraction, equipment, and controls that are standard for DNA analysis and data interpretation.
  • The laboratory must use reagents that are suitable for the methods employed.


Laboratories must have written procedures detailing the quality control measures in place for evaluating reagents and materials, the acceptable range of results, procedures for acting upon data that are unacceptable, and the mechanisms used for documentation and the subsequent approval/rejection of quality control data.

  • The laboratory must have written procedures for documenting commercial supplies and for formulating reagents.
  • Reagents must be labeled with the identity of the reagent, the date of preparation or expiration, and the identity of the individual preparing the reagent.


Laboratories must follow their written procedures for documenting commercial supplies and formulating reagents. Reagents must be labeled with the identity of the reagent and a tracking mechanism identifying preparation or expiration date and component sources. Records must be maintained that identify the preparer of the reagent and the quality control measures (if any) used to check the reliability of the reagent .

  • The laboratory must identify and evaluate the reagents critical to the analysis process prior to use in casework.
  • The laboratory must identify and evaluate the following critical reagents (for PCR based systems: commercial kits for performing genetic typing, primer sets, and thermostable DNA polymerase).


The laboratory must identify the reagents critical to the analytical processes used and evaluate each, prior to their use on evidence and convicted offender samples. This list must include, at a minimum, those critical reagents listed in Standard 9.2.3(b).

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