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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Español for Law Enforcement

Motor Vehicles 3: Vocabulary

Motor Vehicles 3


The following is a list of words that are used in this scenario. Click on a word or phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation.

English Spanish Spanish Pronunciation
stripes rayas


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of stripes

parked estacionados


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of parked

vehicle vehículo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of vehicle

driver conductor


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of driver

witness testigo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of witness

license plate placa


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of license plate

brand marca


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of brand

to shoot or shot disparar/disparó


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of to shoot or shot

doors puertas


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of doors

model modelo


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of model

times (occurrences) veces


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of times (occurrences)

suspect sospechoso


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of suspect

injured lastimada


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of injured

wearing llevaba


Audio file

Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of wearing

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