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Motor Vehicles 2: Videos
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Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Thank you, Mr. Garcia. Please get out of the car.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Do you have any weapons with you?
¿Tiene armas con usted?
(¿TEEAY-neh AHR-mahs KOHN oo-STEHD?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you have any weapons with you?
Person Interviewed: No, I don't have any weapons.
No, no traigo armas.
(noh, noh TRY-ee-goh AHR-mahs.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No, I don't have any weapons.
Officer: Take your hands out of your pockets, please.
Saque las manos de sus bolsillos, por favor.
(SAH-kay lahs MAH-nohs deh soos bohl-SEE-yohs, pohr fah-VOHR.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Take your hands out of your pockets, please.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Mr. Garcia, have you been drinking, yes or no?
¿Señor Garcia, ha estado tomando hoy, sí o no?
(¿sehn-NYOHR Garcia, ah eh-STAH-doh toh-MAHN-doh ohy, SEE oh noh?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Mr. Garcia, have you been drinking, yes or no?
Person Interviewed: No, officer.
No, oficial.
(noh, oh-fee-see-AHL.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of No, officer.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Look at me and follow the pen with your eyes. Don't move your head.
Míreme y siga la punta de mí pluma con sus ojos. No mueva la cabeza.
(MEER-reh-meh ee SEE-gah lah POON-tah deh mee PLOO-mah kohn soos OH-hohs. noh MWEH-vah lah kah-BEH-sah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Look at me and follow the pen with your eyes. Don't move your head.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: You passed this test.
Usted pasó esta prueba.
(oo-STEHD pah-SOH EHS-tah proo-EH-bah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of You passed this test.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Now, do what I do, raise your leg and keep it straight. Keep your arms at your sides.
Ahora, hágalo como yo. Levante su pierna y mantenga la pierna recta. Mantenga las manos al lado de su cuerpo.
(ah-OH-rah AH-glah-loh KOH-moh yoh. leh-VAHN-teh soo PEEAYR-nah ee mahn-TEHN-gah lah PEEAYR-nah REHK-tah. mahn-TEHN-gah lahs MAH-nohs ahl LAH-doh deh soo KWEHR-poh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Now, do what I do, raise your leg and keep it straight. Keep your arms at your sides.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: You failed this test.
Usted no pasó esta prueba.
(oo-STEHD noh pah-SOH EHS-tah proo-EH-bah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of You failed this test.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Do you have anything in your mouth?
¿Tiene algo en su boca?
(¿TEEAY-neh AHL-goh ehn soo BOH-kah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Do you have anything in your mouth?
Person Interviewed: Yes.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes.
Officer: Spit it out, please.
Escúpalo por favor.
(ehs-KOO-pah-loh pohr fah-VOHR.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Spit it out, please.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Take a deep breath.
Respire profundamente.
(rehs-PEE-reh proh-foon-dah-MEHN-teh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Take a deep breath.
Officer: Blow until I say stop.
Y ahora sople hasta que yo le diga que pare.
(ee ah-OH-rah SOH-pleh AHS-tah kay yoh leh DEE-gah kay PAH-reh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Blow until I say stop.
Officer: Continue.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Continue.
Officer: Stop.
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Stop.
You have completed this scenario exercise.
Note: the video can now be played in its entirety.