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Interview 2: Videos
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Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Good afternoon Mrs. Cruz, what is the problem?
Spanish Pronunciation
Person interviewed: My daughter, Danielle, did not return from school today. My daughter is missing.
Mi hija, Danielle, no regresó de la escuela hoy. Mi hija está perdida.
(mee EE-hah, Danielle, noh reh-greh-SOH deh lah eh-SKWEH-lah ohy. mee EE-lah eh-STAH pehr-DEE-dah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of My daughter, Danielle, did not return from school today. My daughter is missing
Officer: I am sorry, please calm down and speak more slowly.
Lo siento, por favor cálmese, y hable un poco más despacio.
(PAH-rah ehs-too-dee-AHR)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I am sorry, please calm down and speak more slowly.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Are you sure she didn't go to one of her friend's house to study?
¿Está Usted segura que su hija no fue a la casa de una amiga para estudiar?
(¿eh-STAH oo-STEHD seh-GOO-rah kay soo EE-hah noh fweh ah lah KAH-sah deh OO-nah ah-MEE-gah PAH-rah eh-stoo-dee-AHR?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Are you sure she didn't go to one of her friend's house to study?
Person Interviewed: Yes, she never goes anywhere without my permission.
Sí ella nunca va en ninguna parte sin mi permiso.
(SEE, EH-yah NOON-kah vah ehn neen-GOO-nah PAHR-teh seen mee pehr-MEE-soh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, she never goes anywhere without my permission.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Who was the last person to see your daughter?
¿Quién fue la última persona que vió a su hija?
(¿kee-EHN fweh lah OOL-tee-mah pehr-SOH-nah kay vee-OH ah soo EE-hah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Who was the last person to see your daughter?
Person Interviewed: I believe it was her teacher, Mr. Cunningham.
Creo que fue su maestro, el Señor Cunningham.
(KREH-oh kay fweh soo my-EH-stroh ehl sehn-NYOHR Cunningham.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I believe it was her teacher, Mr. Cunningham
Officer: I will speak with him later.
Voy a hablar con él más tarde.
(vohy ah ah-BLAHR kohn EHL MAHS TAHR-deh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I will speak with him later.
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: How old is she?
¿Cuántos años tiene ella?
(¿KWAHN-tohs, AH-nyohs TEEAY-neh EH-yah?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of How old is she?
Person Interviewed: She is nine years old.
Ella tiene nueve años.
(EH-yah TEEAY-neh NWEH-veh AH-nyohs.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of She is nine years old.
Officer: Please, I need a complete description of your daughter.
Por favor necesito una descripción completa de su hija.
(pohr fah-VOHR neh-seh-SEE-toh OO-nah deh-skreep-see-OHN kohm-PLEH-tah deh soo EE-hah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Please, I need a complete description of your daughter.
Spanish Pronunciation
Person interviewed: She is short and slender. She measures four feet and three inches tall, black hair, green eyes. She has a beauty mark near right eye. She also has freckles.
Ella es bajita y muy delgada. Ella mide cuatro pies y tres pulgadas, de pelo negro y ojos verdes. Ella tiene un lunar cerca de su ojo derecho. También ella tiene pecas.
(EH-yah ehs bah-HEE-tah ee MOO-ee dehl-GAH-dah. EH-yah MEE-deh KWAH-troh PEE-ehs ee trehs pool-GAH-dahs, deh PEH-loh NEH-groh ee OH-hohs VEHR-dehs. EH-yah TEEAY-neh oon loo-NAHR SEHR-kah deh soo OH-hoh deh-REH-choh. tahm-bee-EHN EH-yah TEEAY-neh PEH-kahs.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of She is short and slender. She measures four feet and three inches tall, black hair, green eyes. She has a beauty mark near right eye. She also has freckles
Spanish Pronunciation
Officer: Anything else?
¿Algo más?
(¿AHL-goh MAHS?)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Anything else
Person Interviewed: Yes, she has a scar on her left knee from a bicycle accident.
Sí, ella tiene una cicatriz en su rodilla izquierda debido un accidente con su bicicleta.
(SEE, EH-yah TEEAY-neh OO-nah see-kah-TREES ehn soo roh-DEE-yah ees-kee-EHR-dah deh-BEE-doh oon ahk-see-DEHN-teh kohn soo bee-see-KLEH-tah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Yes, she has a scar on her left knee from a bicycle accident.
Officer: Also, I will need a recent photo of her.
También necesito una foto reciente de ella.
(tahm-bee-EHN neh-seh-SEE-toh OO-nah FOH-toh reh-see-EHN-teh deh EH-yah.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Also, I will need a recent photo of her.
Person interviewed: That's fine.
Está bien.
(eh-STAH BEE-ehn.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of That's fine.
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of And finally, how was she dressed?
Person Interviewed: I believe she was wearing a green shirt with white stripes and some blue pants. I don't remember very well. You can ask her teacher.
Creo que ella llevaba una camisa verde con rayas blancas y pantalones azules. Yo no me acuerdo muy bien. Usted puede preguntarle a su maestro.
(KREH-oh kay EH-yah yeh-VAH-bah OO-nah kah-MEE-sah VEHR-deh kohn RAH-yahs BLAHN-kahs ee OO-nohs pahn-tah-LOH-nehs ah-SOOL-ehs. yoh noh meh ah-KWEHR-doh MOO-ee BEE-ehn. oo-STEHD PWEH-deh preg-goon-TAHR-leh ah soo my-EH-stroh.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of I believe she was wearing a green shirt with white stripes and some blue pants. I don't remember very well. You can ask her teacher
Officer: Okay.
Está bien.
(eh-STAH BEE-ehn.)
Audio file
Listen to the Spanish pronunciation of Also, I will need a recent photo of her.
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Note: the video can now be played in its entirety.