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Works Cited

  1. Zwaan, J. 1965. Electrophoresis. In Practical Instrumental Analysis, eds. J. Krugers and A. I. M. Keulemans, 152–67. New York: Elsevier.
  2. Bunch, Bryan, and Alexander Hellemans, eds. 2004. The history of science and technology: A browser's guide to the great discoveries, inventions, and the people who made them from the dawn of time to today, 509. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  3. Svedberg, T., and A. Tiselius. 1926. A new method for determination of the mobility of proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 48 (9): 2272–8.
  4. Hawcroft, D. M. 1997. Electrophoresis: The basics. New York: Oxford University Press.

Capillary Electrophoresis

Works Cited

  1. Bunch, Bryan, and Alexander Hellemans, eds. 1997. The history of science and technology: A browser's guide to the great discoveries, inventions, and the people who made them from the dawn of time to today, 509. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  2. Northrop, David M. 1993. The utility of capillary electrophoresis in forensic science. In Capillary electrophoresis technology, ed. Norberto A. Guzman, 673–91. New York: Marcel Dekker.
  3. Butler, John M. 2005. Forensic DNA typing: Biology, technology, and genetics of STR markers. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press.
  4. Grossman, Paul D., and Joel C. Colburn, eds. 1992. Capillary electrophoresis: Theory and practice. San Diego: Academic Press.
  5. Altria, Kevin D. 2005. Fundamentals of capillary electrophoresis theory. In Capillary electrophoresis guidebook: Principles, operation, and applications,ed. Kevin D. Altria, 3–13. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.
  6. Corstjens, H., H. A. H. Billiet, J. Frank, and K. C. A. M. Luyben. 1996. Variation of the pH of the background electrolyte due to electrode reactions in capillary electrophoresis: Theoretical approach and in situ measurement. Electrophoresis 17 (1): 137–43.
  7. Lazaruk, K., P. S. Walsh, F. Oaks, D. Gilbert, B. B. Rosenblum, S. D. Scheibler, H. M. Wenz, C. Holt, and J. Wallin. 1998. Genotyping of forensic short tandem repeat (STR) systems based on sizing precision in a capillary electrophoresis instrument. Electrophoresis 19 (1): 86–93.

Online Links

  • Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories
  • Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Databasing Laboratories

Sample Preparation and Handling

Works Cited

  1. Applied Biosystems. 2000.AmpFℓSTR® Profiler Plus™ PCR Amplification Kit User's Manual.
  2. Buel, E., M. LaFountain, M. Schwartz, M. Walkinshaw. 2001. Evaluation of capillary electrophoresis through resolution measurements. J Forensic Sci 46 (2): 341–5.
  3. Butler, J. M., E. Buel, F. Crivellente, and B. R. McCord. 2004. Forensic DNA typing by capillary electrophoresis using the ABI Prism 310 and 3100 genetic analyzers for STR analysis. Electrophoresis 25 (10–11): 1397–412.
  4. Biega, L. A., and B. W. Duceman. 1999. Substitution of H2O for formamide in the sample preparation protocol for STR analysis using the capillary electrophoresis system: The effects on precision, resolution, and capillary life. J Forensic Sci 44 (5): 1029–31.