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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Equipment and technology

NIJ Office of Science and Technology Continuations

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY 08 Enhanced Tools for Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and Vehicle Borne IED Defeat: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking applications for funding to enhance the ability of law enforcement personnel to deal with the threat of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs). NIJ is especially interested in proposals for the development and demonstration of new tools in the following areas of urgent concern: • Vehicle bomb confirmation. • Diagnostic tools for bomb disposal. • Enhanced reconnaissance...

NIJ FY 08 Institutional Corrections Technology: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking applications for funding technology research, development, testing, and technical evaluation projects that address the technology needs of State and local corrections agencies and other criminal justice agencies that collaborate with them. Concepts may address new technologies that support the operations of a correctional facility. Additionally, NIJ may consider the application of new technologies not developed specifically for corrections but which have corrections...

NIJ FY 08 ORE Criminal Justice Technology Research and Evaluation

Closing Date
NIJ seeks evaluations of technologies designed to prevent and reduce crime and improve the functioning of the criminal justice system. NIJ is specifically interested in evaluations that determine if the application of existing or newly developed technologies works to improve outcomes. Evaluations should focus on technologies that are fully functional and readily applicable in operational settings. Additionally, outcome evaluations must have well-defined, measurable indicators of...

National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.