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User Guide

This page provides an overview of interface controls that allow navigation between modules, topics, and individual pages. 

Navigating the Course

Section Tabs

There are 5 section tabs for navigating to different areas
of the content:

  • Home—Return to the first page of the course. From this page you can easily skip to a new or return to a previous module/lesson. Your progress through the course is tracked so selecting module/lesson that you have already begun will return to the last page viewed in that lesson/module.
  • Glossary—A complete list of terms defined within this course and throughout training.nij.gov
  • Resources—A complete list of references from within this course. 
  • Help—Return to this page. 
  • Contact Us—Submit a question or comment about this course. 

Page Navigation

Back and Forward buttons are available at the bottom of the content area to navigate from page to page.

Modules and Topic Menu Navigation

Select the unit title on the menu from any page to view all topics and sub-topics within a module while staying on the same page.  

Go directly to a module or topic by selecting the title text. When a module is accessed, each Topic will appear below it within the menu.