Examining School Safety and Positive Climate and Culture: A Comprehensive Study in New York City
The Effectiveness of School Resource Officers in Tennessee High Schools
NIJ FY 14 Developing Knowledge About What Works to Make Schools Safe
NIJ seeks proposals to develop knowledge about the effects of personnel, programs, and activities on school safety in the United States. Funds are available to local education agencies (LEAs), public charter schools that are recognized as an LEA and State educational agencies (SEAs). Applicants are expected to enter into an agreement to partner with highly qualified researchers and research organizations to test whether an intervention...
NIJ FY 14 Investigator-Initiated Research: The Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
The Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2014, provides funds for the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to undertake a research-focused initiative, the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative, to increase the safety of schools nationwide. Under this Initiative, NIJ is seeking high-quality proposals from the nation’s best minds to research the root causes of school violence, develop technologies and strategies for increasing school safety, and provide pilot...
Florida State University and Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Researcher-Practitioner Partnership Proposal to enhance evidence-based juvenile justice research and policy.
Effects of a Middle School Social-Emotional Learning Program on Teen Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, and Substance Use in High School
Social Bonds Across Immigration Generations and the Immigrant School Enclave
Game Change: How Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships Are Redefining How We Study Crime
Opening Plenary Panel
When researchers and practitioners work side by side, they can maximize their problem-solving abilities. The research partner can focus on the data and the science; the practitioner can focus on interpreting the findings and applying them in the field. In the plenary panel, panelists described the benefits, challenges and pitfalls of researcher-practitioner partnerships with a focus on the financial benefits to the practitioner.
Moderator: John H. Laub, Director, National Institute of Justice
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Integrating Prevention and Intervention: A School Health Center Program to Promote Healthy Adolescent Relationships
A Dating Violence Prevention Program for Each Grade in Middle School: A Longitudinal Multi-Level Experiment.
About School Crime and Safety
Preventing, Preparing for Critical Incidents in Schools
Process Evaluation of Current Internet Child Safety Activities by ICAC Task Forces
Protective Behaviors of Student Victims of Bullying: A Rare Events Analysis of the 2007 School Crime Supplement
Recovery Act: Evaluation of Internet Child Safety Materials Used by ICAC Task Forces in School and Community Settings
NIJ seeks to fund an evaluation of internet child safety materials used by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces that receive funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under the Recovery Act. Specifically, the successful grantee will conduct a multisite evaluation of internet child safety materials used by ICAC task forces in school and community settings to examine the effectiveness...