School Climate Enhancement and Bullying Prevention in Southern Illinois
Sexual Misconduct by School Employees: Policy Implementation and Effectiveness
School Climate- Teacher Victimization
Understanding the Impact of School Safety on the High School Transition Experience: From Etiology to Prevention
Individual, Institutional and Community Sources of School Violence: A Meta-Analysis
Suspension Practices in the Context of PBIS: Implications for K-8 Students in the School District of Philadelphia
A Multiple Perspectives Analysis of the Influences on the School to Prison Pipeline in Virginia
Examination of the Short-and Long-term Impact of School Shootings
NIJ FY 15 Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
NIJ is seeking proposals for funding under the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI) to support rigorous research that produces practical knowledge that can improve the safety of schools and students. The initiative is carried out through partnerships between researchers, educators and other stakeholders, including law enforcement and mental health professionals. Projects funded under the CSSI are designed to produce knowledge that can be applied to...