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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

NIJ FY 07 Forensic DNA Research and Development: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding research and development that can enhance the forensic uses of DNA technology . This solicitation focuses on technologies that result in faster , more robust , more informative, less costly, or less labor-intensive identification, collection, preservation, and/or analys is of DNA evidence collected from crime scenes .

NIJ FY 07 ORE on Cold Cases

Closing Date
This solicitation marks the first step in a planned multi-year effort to build, evaluate, and improve the effectiveness of cold case invest igations by local law enforcement agencies. This effort will identify current practices of police agencies conducting cold case investigations; develop evaluation criteria for assessing the effectiveness of these practices and approaches; construct alte rnative model programs and alternative program elements that agencies of...