Restoring Promise
Positive research results from a program that aims to transform correctional culture.
Transforming Correctional Culture and Climate
Borrowing from innovations abroad, U.S. correctional facilities are piloting more humane living environments that are grounded in principles of restorative justice to support rehabilitation and enhance safety for all who work and reside in them.
The Overlooked Role of Jails in the Discussion of Legitimacy: Implications for Trust and Procedural Justice
A New View of Jails: Exploring Complexity in Jails-Based Research
The future of jails-based research lies in challenging traditional mental models of jails and building on system and complexity science.
Predicting Recidivism: Continuing To Improve the Bureau of Prisons’ Risk Assessment Tool, PATTERN
Review of PATTERN 1.3 demonstrates its ability to accurately predict recidivism
The Impact of Incarceration on the Desistance Process Among Individuals Who Chronically Engage in Criminal Activity
Executive Summary
Using Data and Science to Understand the Impact of COVID–19 on Corrections
Community Corrections Technology: Experts Identify Top Needs for Tech Solutions to Probation and Parole System Challenges
Corrections agencies may turn to smart digital gear to better train and equip supervisors and monitor persons under supervision to keep them on the path toward compliance.
NIJ’s Role Under the First Step Act
Tapping Into Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Technology to Prevent Crime and Support Reentry