Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Police Use Science and Community Partnerships to Reduce Gun Violence
In an NIJ podcast, LEADS Scholars from three police departments discuss how they worked with community organizations and used evidence-based policing to reduce gun violence
Persistence of Touch DNA for Analysis
NIJ-funded research reveals how long DNA is detectable on various surfaces under different conditions.
Five Things About Teen Dating Violence
Five Things About Reentry
The Overlooked Role of Jails in the Discussion of Legitimacy: Implications for Trust and Procedural Justice
Helping Crime Victim Legal Clinics Help Their Clients by Defining and Measuring for Successful Outcomes
NIJ-backed research offers the first conceptual model for aligning victim legal services with desired results and assessing effectiveness in terms of actual client outcomes.
Director’s Message - NIJ Journal Issue No. 284
Early-Career Forensic Toxicologists Take Home Top Awards for NIJ-Funded Research
Sara Walton, Laerissa Reveil, Tyson Baird, and Bailey Jones won prestigious awards at the Society of Forensic Toxicologists 2022 meeting.
When DNA Samples Are Complicated: Calculating Variation in Mixed Samples Interpretation
NIJ-funded researchers create precision and accuracy statistics to assess variation in the interpretation of complex DNA mixtures.
From the Director: Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven, Inclusive Research
Fast Screening of Gunshot Residue Aims to Modernize Practice
NIJ-funded researchers create unprecedented gunshot residue dataset to develop a quick, dual-detection method for gunshot residue detection.