Student Attempts of Violence Following a School Threat Assessment
High School Teacher Bullying and Student Risk Behavior
Statewide Implementation of School Threat Assessment in Florida, Final Technical Report
Organizational Transformation of a Federal Education Program Reflections on LEEP (Law Enforcement Educational Program)
The Impact of Offending Students’ Apologies and Perceived Sincerity on the Physical and Emotional Distress of Victimized Teachers
Student Violence Against Teachers in Large U.S. School Districts: Prevalence and Risk Factors
Opening Ceremony: Remarks from NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne at the NIJ 2024 Research Conference
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Advancing Justice Through Science: Tracing Allegheny County’s Journey - 2024 NIJ Research Conference
This plenary will trace the arc of Allegheny County’s evidence-based investments in justice and human services reform, starting with the Allegheny County Jail Collaborative in 2000. Participants will highlight Allegheny County’s ongoing, and evolving investments in risk assessment tools to inform pretrial and child welfare decision-making, its commitment to reducing racial disparities in the human services and justice systems, and its continued commitment to building and learning from evidence informed by rigorous evaluation methodologies.
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Assessing the Implementation and Impact of Restorative Practices within a Multicomponent School Safety Approach
Evaluating Virtual Reality Enhancements of an Evidence-based Multi-tiered Aggression & Bullying Prevention Program
Schoolhouse interrogations and confessions: Perspectives from principals and students
The Impacts of School Security Equipment on Students and Schools
"I Don't Think a Broken Spirit Can Be Quantified": Perceptions of College Victimization and Its Consequences Among Students at a Hispanic-Serving Institution
The Prevalence and Nature of Victimization among First Semester Students at Urban, Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)
Measuring School Climate as a Component of School Capacity
The Role of Social Emotional Competencies in Student Discipline and Discipline Disparities
Preventing Relationship and Sexual Violence on College Campuses
This webinar will discuss implications and recommendations for the prevention of sexual assault, dating violence, and harassment on college campuses in the U.S. based on findings from an NIJ-funded study on Population and Subgroup Differences in Prevalence and Predictors of Campus Sexual Assault (Award No: 2020-VA-CX-0004). Audience members will be invited to participate in a discussion of strategies and considerations for violence prevention on college campuses that target campus-level factors contributing to victimization and perpetration.
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Tools to Support Campus Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
Sexual violence is a significant criminal justice problem with long-term effects for its victims. In particular, sexual assault on or related to college campuses across the United States presents a growing public health and economic burden, starting with significant impacts on academic outcomes.
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