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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Social and Behavioral Science

NIJ FY 15 Evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Demonstration

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking applications for an evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Demonstration Initiative. The demonstration, undertaken with theOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, seeks to improve the responses to male survivors of violence, particularly boys and young men of color, and their families and dedicate technical assistance to support these efforts. Among other things, the demonstration...

NIJ FY 15 Process Evaluation of the Firearm Locks Distribution and Safe Storage Program

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking proposals to conduct a process evaluation of the Firearms Locks Distribution and Safe Storage Program sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The project funded through this solicitation will be a companion to the activities funded by BJA under the solicitationFirearm Locks Distribution and Safe Storage Program: FY 2015 Competitive Grant Announcement. As stated in the BJA solicitation, the purpose of...

NIJ FY 15 Office of Research and Evaluation Continuations

Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY 15 Data Resources Program

Closing Date
​NIJ, in partnership with theBureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and theOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), is seeking proposals under the Data Resources Program (DRP) for original research using existing data available from theNational Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) and other public sources. NACJD houses quantitative and qualitative data from research funded by these three agencies. The data are made available online...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking proposals for research and evaluation projects that support and inform federal, State, local and tribal criminal justice agencies and victim service providers in responding to the challenges that trafficking in persons (hereinafter “trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” or “trafficking”) poses in their jurisdictions. NIJ is particularly interested in research responding to the following priority areas:

  • Fostering partnerships between researchers and trafficking survivors...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on Victims of Crime

Closing Date

NIJ has a longstanding history of collaborating with and supporting the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) on research, evaluation, and programmatic projects. Over the years, the shared priorities of OVC and NIJ have resulted in a number of collective projects, workshops, and research. In collaboration with OVC, NIJ is seeking proposals for research on victims and victimization in the following three areas that are...