School discipline
Making Schools Safer and/or Creating a Pipeline to Prison: A Study of North Carolina Schools
The Relationship of School Climate With Out-of-School Suspensions
Pursuing Equitable Restorative Communities
The Benefits, Risks, and Challenges of Get-Tough and Support-Oriented Approaches to Improving School Safety
Student Threat Assessment as an Alternative to Exclusionary Discipline
Racial/Ethnic Parity in Disciplinary Consequences Using Student Threat Assessment
School Climate, Student Engagement, and Academic Achievement: A Latent Variable, Multilevel Multi-Informant Examination
The Relationship of School Climate With Out-of-School Suspensions
Cultivating Healing by Implementing Restorative Practices for Youth: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Trial
The School Responder Model (SRM): Virtual Toolbox
Can Restorative Practices Improve School Climate and Curb Suspensions? An Evaluation of the Impact of Restorative Practices in a Mid-Sized Urban School District
Why and When Do School Resource Officers Engage in School Discipline? The Role of Context in Shaping Disciplinary Involvement
Beyond the Breakfast Club: Variability in the Effects of Suspensions by School Context
Implementing School Based Youth Courts in a Rural Context:The Impact on Students' Perceptions of School Climate, Individual Functioning, and Interpersonal Relationships
Effects of School Resource Officers on School Crime and Responses to School Crime
Threat Assessment as a School Violence Prevention Strategy
The Science of School Safety
Gun violence may be the most discussed topic surrounding school safety, but it is by no means the only one. Bullying, school climate, and mental health affect students across the country, and are some of the many other issues that NIJ researches. Mary Poulin Carlton, an NIJ social science analyst, joins host Paul Haskins to discuss these and other important school safety issues.
Reading and Resources from the National Institute of Justice: