Ancestral DNA
Genetic Variation in Tunisia in the Context of Human Diversity Worldwide
A Genome-Wide Association Study of Skin and Iris Pigmentation Among Individuals of South Asian Ancestry
Odyssey: a Semi-Automated Pipeline for Phasing, Imputation, and Analysis of Genome-Wide Genetic Data
Applicability of the SNPforID 52-plex Panel for Human Identification and Ancestry Evaluation in a Brazilian Population Sample by Next-Generation Sequencing
Familial DNA Searching-an Emerging Forensic Investigative Tool
Evaluation of ForenSeq Signature Prep Kit B on Predicting Eye and Hair Coloration as Well as Biogeographical Ancestry by Using Universal Analysis Software (UAS) and Available Web-tools
Genome-Wide Association Studies Identify Multiple Genetic Loci Influencing Eyebrow Color Variation in Europeans
Microhaplotypes in forensic genetics
Genome-wide Association Study of Pigmentary Traits (Skin and Iris Color) in Individuals of East Asian Ancestry
Improving Ancestry Distinctions Among Southwest Asian Populations
Genetic Analysis of Southern Brazil Subjects Using the PowerSeq (TM) AUTO/Y System for Short Tandem Repeat Sequencing
Meta-Analysis of Genome-wide Association Studies Identifies 8 Novel Loci Involved in Shape Variation of Human Head Hair
Increasing the Discrimination Power of Ancestry- and Identity-Informative SNP Loci Within the ForenSeg
Deep-Coverage MPS Analysis of Heteroplasmic Variants Within the mtGenome Allows for Frequent Differentiation of Maternal Relatives
Matching CODIS Genotypes to SNP Genotypes Using Linkage Disequilibrium
Proteomic Analysis of Hair Shafts From Monozygotic Twins: Expression Profiles and Genetically Variant Peptides.
Novel Quantitative Pigmentation Phenotyping Enhances Genetic Association, Epistasis, and Prediction of Human Eye Colour
Massively Parallel Sequencing of 68 Insertion/Deletion Markers Identifies Novel Microhaplotypes for Utility in Human Identity Testing
Flanking Region Variation of ForenSeq (TM) DNA Signature Prep Kit STR and SNP Loci in Yavapai Native Americans
Analysis of mutations in father-son pairs with 17 Y-STR loci
A panel of 74 AISNPs: Improved Ancestry Inference within Eastern Asia
NIJ FY 2023 Invited to Apply - Support Activities under Section 13(d) of Executive Order 14074
NIJ seeks applications for funding to study law enforcement use of probabilistic genotyping, forensic DNA phenotyping, and forensic investigative genetic genealogy technologies and law enforcement use of person-based predictive policing approaches as directed by Section 13(d) in Executive Order 14074 “Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety.” T