Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Current and Future Research on Body Armor
CeaseFire: A Public Health Approach to Reduce Shootings and Killings
Strategies that address serious health threats can also reduce violent crime.
Debating DNA Collection
DNA helps law enforcement investigate and prosecute crime, but the new trend of preconviction DNA collection raises serious Fourth Amendment issues for the criminal justice community.
From Battlefield to Homefront: Mobile Laboratories Are Changing the Way We Respond to Crisis
How Sexual Assault Cases Progress Further With SANE: Examining the Factors
Increasing Sexual Assault Prosecution Rates
Humane treatment shapes both the victims' recovery and the success of investigations.
Mobile Forensics Laboratory Helps Cedar Rapids CSI Recover From Devastating Flood
NIJ Helps States to Process DNA Samples
Director's Message - NIJ Journal Issue No. 264
Who Are the Violence Interrupters?
A unique approach in the criminal justice field