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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Article Listing

Indigent Defense: International Perspectives and Research Needs

Date Published
November 3, 2011

Domestic and international researchers, policymakers, practitioners and advocates explore promising international programs and identify research priorities in the hopes of improving of indigent defense in the United States

Beyond the Prison Bubble

Date Published
November 2, 2011

For decades, America's chief answer to crime has been to put more persons behind bars for longer. That expensive strategy is yielding diminishing returns. It's time for a closer look at ways of helping individuals steer away from crime.

Strengthening NIJ: Mission, Science and Process

Date Published
November 2, 2011

NIJ endorses the basic principles laid out in the National Research Council's evaluation of the Institute and has already started to implement policies and procedures that address many of the recommendations.

NIJ Journal Issue 268, October 2011

Date Published
October 1, 2011

Research-based information that can help inform policy decisions and improve understanding of the criminal justice system.