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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Victims of crime

Using Random Forest Risk Prediction in the Philadelphia Probation Department

August 2012

Watch two experts talk about developing a computerized system that successfully predicts — with a high degree of accuracy — which probationers are likely to violently reoffend within two years of returning to the community.

Drs. Barnes and Hyatt teamed up with the Philadelphia Adult Probation & Parole Department in an NIJ-funded project. Here they discuss:

Effects of Wrongful Conviction Cases

June 2012

NIJ has funded a study examining the impact of wrongful convictions on crime victims. The study is looking at the impact on the original victim of the crime to get a better understanding of what their service needs are, and how we can better serve them both in terms of policy and practice.

NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Demonstration Project

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals to evaluate the first phase of the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Demonstration Project (seewww.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/grants/pdftxt/FY2012_WraparoundVictimLegalAssistance.pdf). The OVC Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Project will fund up to six demonstration sites to develop holistic models for wraparound pro bono legal assistance networks that offer the wide range of legal assistance that victims need in the wake of...