Tribal-Researcher Capacity Building Grants Solicitation
Missing Native American Persons: Nebraska Study Details Scope of Problem, Urges Culturally Sensitive Research and Better Access to Justice
NIJ FY23 Tribal-Researcher Capacity-Building Grants
Tribal Crime, Justice, and Safety (Part 1)
Research indicates that Native American persons experience crime victimization at higher rates than non-Native people. Furthermore, the unique position of American Indian and Alaska Native tribes as both sovereign nations and domestic dependents of the U.S. creates jurisdictional complexities in responding to crime, justice, and safety. Senior social and behavioral scientist Christine (Tina) Crossland discusses NIJ’s research on these topics, especially on the prevention of violence towards American Indians and Alaska Natives. Communications Assistant Stacy Lee Reynolds hosts.
A Descriptive Analysis of Missing and Murdered Native Women and Children in Nebraska, Barriers to Reporting and Investigation, and Recommendations for Improving Access to Justice
Addressing Violence towards Youth and Young Adults in Indigenous Communities
Nebraska Indian Community College Tribal-Researcher Collaboration
Tribal-Researcher Capacity-Building Grants Solicitation, Fiscal Year 2021
2020 OVK Tribal-Research Capacity Building Grant
Tribal-Researcher Capacity Building Grants Solicitation, Fiscal Year 2020
Implementing NAGPRA: Connecting Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices to Tribal Partners
Tribal Justice, Tribal Court: Strengthening Tribal Justice Systems Using Restorative Approaches
A Descriptive Analysis of Missing and Murdered Native Women and Children in Nebraska, Barriers to Reporting and Investigation, and Recommendations for Improving Access to Justice
Northwest Indian Community Development Center- Tribal Law and Policy Institute Research Partnership
Tribal-Researcher Capacity Building Grants Solicitation, FY 2019
Through this solicitation, NIJ will provide small planning grants to develop proposals for new and innovative criminal justice research projects involving federally recognized tribes (or tribally based organizations) and which represent a new tribal-researcher investigator partnership. The following research topics are of particular interest to the U.S. Department of Justice: (1) The impact of concurrent criminal jurisdiction on the administration of justice in Indian country...
Pathfinder: Evaluating Services to Native American Victims of Sex Trafficking
Hoopa Valley Tribe and Tribal Law and Policy Institute Research Partnership
Building Tribal-Researcher Capacity to Inform Data-Driven Practices, Technology, and Tribal Justice
NIJ FY18 Tribal-Researcher Capacity Building Grants
NIJ wants to encourage new, exploratory, and developmental research projects by providing support for the early stages of study development. To help facilitate this process and ensure these projects result in tangible and mutually beneficial studies, NIJ will provide small grants to scientists or technologists who wish to facilitate a new tribal-researcher investigator partnership.