Social and Behavioral Science
Accelerating Digital Evidence Analysis Using Recent Advances In Parallel Processing
Translational Criminology: Research and Public Policy
A Process and Impact Evaluation of The Veterans Moving Forward Program: Best Practices, Outcomes, and Cost-Effectiveness
NIJ FY 15 Graduate Research Fellowship Program in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Understanding Teen Dating Violence; Peggy Giordano, Ph.D.
Dr. Peggy Giordano discusses her research on what characterizes teen dating violence and how it changes over time. Dr. Giordano also talks about how conflict over key areas within a relationship can increase the risk of violence.
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International Market for Stolen Credit Card Data
Teen Dating Violence Outcomes and Help-Seeking
NIJ FY 14 Evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth State Demonstration Project
In collaboration with the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), NIJ seeks proposals to conduct an evaluation of OVC's Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth State Demonstration Project. The OVC Vision 21 Systems of Care Demonstration Project will fund two State-level demonstration sites that will bring a broad network of relevant systems and professionals together to establish a comprehensive and coordinated...
NIJ FY 14 Information Sharing and Its Effect on Tracking Sex Offenders and Community Awareness: Examining a Key Function of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
In collaboration with the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART), NIJ seeks creative and innovative proposals for research that examines how information sharing, a key function of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), may have evolved since its implementation. Specifically, NIJ is interested in assessing how information sharing has changed how criminal justice agents (e.g., law enforcement, public...
NIJ FY 14 Developing Knowledge About What Works to Make Schools Safe
NIJ seeks proposals to develop knowledge about the effects of personnel, programs, and activities on school safety in the United States. Funds are available to local education agencies (LEAs), public charter schools that are recognized as an LEA and State educational agencies (SEAs). Applicants are expected to enter into an agreement to partner with highly qualified researchers and research organizations to test whether an intervention...
NIJ FY 14 Evaluating the Effectiveness of State, Local and Tribal Responses to Violence Committed Against Indian Women Living in Tribal Communities
NIJ is seeking proposals to evaluate the effectiveness of State, tribal, and local programs or initiatives designed to respond to crimes committed against Native American women living in tribal communities. NIJ welcomes research that will support tribal-nation building and cultural goals and values. Studies specifically designed to acquire information and knowledge that will enable tribes to make informed decisions about policies, programs, and community action...
NIJ FY 14 Tribal Program Post-Doctoral Research Associate Fellowship
NIJ seeks proposals for research to support NIJ’s Violence Against Indian Women (VAIW) program of research and to expand the body of criminal justice policy-relevant research. Accurate, comprehensive, and current information on the incidence, prevalence, and the nature of crime and victimization in Indian Country and Alaska Native villages is critically needed to improve our understanding of the programmatic, service, and policy needs of AI...
NIJ FY 14 Social Science Research on Implementation, Dissemination, and Translation FY 2014
NIJ seeks proposals for funding for research and a research fellowship to examine how scholarly research influences criminal justice implementation practices through dissemination and translation. NIJ proposes two distinct research activities under this solicitation:
- Incorporating the Use of Research in Policy Decisions: NIJ seeks to support up to five case studies on incorporating the use of research evidence into criminal justice practice and policy decisions.
- A...
Why Were So Many Sexual Assault Kits Not Tested in Detroit?
Watch Rebecca Campbell discuss the five primary reasons that Detroit developed a large number of sexual assault kits that were not submitted to the crime lab for DNA-testing. Dr. Campbell also talks about how these risk factors" could apply to other jurisdictions.
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