Social and Behavioral Science
Evaluation of a Healing-Centered Community-Wide Approach to Addressing Firearm Violence in New Orleans
"Examining the Effects of Back-End Release Discretion on Prison Populations and Length of Stay: A State-by-State Analysis"
Exploring how survivor perspectives and priorities are reflected in the use and implementation of Extreme Risk Protective Orders to address intimate partner violence
An Examination of the Law Enforcement Role in Implementing Extreme Risk Protection Orders
Understanding and Refining Violence Intervention Implementation: St. Louis (MO) as a Crucial Case
Violence brokers and super-spreaders: how organised crime transformed the structure of Chicago violence during Prohibition
The Role of Food and Food Behaviors in Intimate Partner Violence
Building Drug Intelligence Networks to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Rural Communities: A Collaborative Intelligence-Led Policing Strategy
When Patriot Becomes Hate-triot: The Relationship Between American Identity and the Production of Cyberhate
He Will Not Leave Us Alone and I Need the Courts to Help": Defendants' Use of Nonphysical Violence in Domestic Violence Protective Order Cases
NIJ FY 2023 Invited to Apply - Research and Evaluation in Safety, Health, and Wellness in the Criminal Justice System
NIJ is seeking an application for funding to support the project— Expanding Mental Health Diversion Opportunities: A Prospective Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Intake Booking Diversion Program. This project seeks to assess the development and implementation of the Intake Booking Diversion program (IBD) for individuals presenting with mental illness.