Social and Behavioral Science
Exploring the Effects of Incarceration on the Safety and Well-being of Families and Inmates Using the Crime Victimization Survey.
Sex Trafficking in the United States
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Event Dynamics and the Role of Third Parties in Youth Violence
Process and Outcome Evaluation of G.R.E.A.T.
Local Actors and US Anti-trafficking Policy:Interpretation, Mediation, and Implementation
The Effects of Prosecution on Violence Between Intimate Partners
NIJ FY06 Research and Evaluation on Elder Abuse
NIJ FY06 Research and Evaluation on Elder Abuse
An Estimable Dynamic Model of Criminal Behavior
The Intersection of Genes, the Environment, and Crime and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Study of Offending
NIJ FY06 ORE Terrorism
NIJ FY06 ORE Terrorism
NIJ FY06 School Safety Solicitation: Invited Full Applications
NIJ FY06 School Solicitation: Invited Full Applications
Process and Outcome Evaluation of G.R.E.A.T.
Process and Outcome Evaluation of G.R.E.A.T.
Predicting a Criminal's Journey to Crime
Victim Satisfaction With the Criminal Justice System
NIJ FY06 ORE Evaluation of Technology
NIJ FY06 ORE Evaluation of Technology
NIJ FY06 ORE Continuations
NIJ FY06 ORE Continuations
NIJ FY06 ORE Crime and Justice Research
NIJ FY06 ORE Crime and Justice Research
NIJ FY06 ORE Research & Evaluation on Community Supervision
NIJ FY06 ORE Research & Evaluation on Community Supervision
NIJ FY06 ORE R&E on Sexual Victimization in Corrections
NIJ FY06 ORE R&E on Sexual Victimization in Corrections
NIJ FY06 ORE Evaluation of Public Safety Interventions
NIJ FY06 ORE Evaluation of Public Safety Interventions
NIJ FY06 ORE Transnational Crime
NIJ FY06 ORE Transnational Crime
NIJ FY06 ORE Justice System Response to Intimate Partner Violence
Justice System Response to Intimate Partner Violence
NIJ FY06 ORE Sexual Violence
NIJ FY06 ORE Sexual Violence