School property
Using a Restorative Justice Approach to Enrich School Climate and Improve School Safety
Space-time study of youth and school violence
Student Threat Assessment as a Safe and Supportive Prevention Strategy
Enhancing School Safety Through Digital Intelligence: Evaluating Campus Shield
Brevard Public Schools - School Climate and Safety Study
A National Impact Study on the Effectiveness of School-based Youth Courts
Training School Resource Officers to Improve School Climate and Student Safety Outcomes
Chicago Public Schools's Connect and Redirect to Respect (CRR) Program to use social media monitoring to identify and connect youth to behavioral interventions.
Testing Integrative Models to Improve School Safety: Positive Behavior Interventions Support and the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
Effective School Staff Interactions with Students and Police: A Training Model
SAFE-TI: School and Family Engagement: Trauma-Informed
School/Justice Partnership Project to research the expansion of a school-based intervention to increase school safety while reducing delinquency referrals and improving student outcomes.
Examining School Safety and Positive Climate and Culture: A Comprehensive Study in New York City
The Effectiveness of School Resource Officers in Tennessee High Schools
NIJ FY 14 Investigator-Initiated Research: The Comprehensive School Safety Initiative
The Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2014, provides funds for the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to undertake a research-focused initiative, the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative, to increase the safety of schools nationwide. Under this Initiative, NIJ is seeking high-quality proposals from the nation’s best minds to research the root causes of school violence, develop technologies and strategies for increasing school safety, and provide pilot...