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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Restraining Orders

Police Officer Crimes and Police Integrity

February 2017
Dr. Philip Stinson, Bowling Green State University, discusses the findings of his research on crimes committed by police officers.

However, in some cases, at times due to the stressors of the job and frequent exposure to trauma and violence, officers engage in misconduct or criminal behavior. The National Institute of Justice understands what’s at stake for public safety and officer wellness when we ignore warning signs of officers struggling with occupational hazards and other psychological hardships.

Preventing Gun Violence: Understanding Law Enforcement Response and Improving Multi-disciplinary Partnerships for Peace

November 2016

This Research for the Real World seminar explores common police practices for responding to gun violence and the extent to which they are contributing to reductions in violent incidents. The panel will also explore the role of multi-disciplinary partners such as the public health sector in reducing gun violence, and discuss promising practices for law enforcement partnerships to leverage complimentary violence reduction efforts.

Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: Findings from a National Survey

June 2016

This seminar provides the first set of estimates from a national large-scale survey of violence against women and men who identified themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native using detailed behaviorally specific questions on psychological aggression, coercive control and entrapment, physical violence, stalking, and sexual violence. These results are expected to raise awareness and understanding of violence experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native people.

Prior Research on Intimate Partner Violence Victims' Services

Prior Research on Intimate Partner Violence Victims' Services
Classification Study Research Question Methods Findings Limitations
Multiple Treatments Bennett, Riger, Schewe, Howard and Wasco, 2004 The effectiveness of hotline, advocacy, counseling and shelter services for domestic violence victims Using cluster evaluation, evaluated one fiscal year's worth of data from 54 programs serving victims of domestic violence. Overall, effectiveness in all areas was supported; however, improvements in...