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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Research and development

NIJ FY 10 ORE Research on Eyewitness Identification Procedures

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research to improve understanding of current eyewitness identification practices and advance the current body of knowledge regarding how law enforcement policies and operations at the state and local levels may impact eyewitness identification outcomes. Eyewitness evidence plays a critical role in the criminal investigation process. Eyewitness evidence is not infallible, however, and the methods employed to obtain it and use...

NIJ FY 10 ORE Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Demonstration Field Experiment Sites: A Test of What Works in Reentry Research

Closing Date
As part of a collaborative effort with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to implement and rigorously test important criminal justice interventions and programs, NIJ seeks proposals to support a randomized controlled trial program evaluation as part of a multi-site Demonstration Field Experiment (DFE) on prisoner reentry. The rigorous multi-site DFE is part of NIJ's reentry evaluation activities supported with funding under the Second Chance...