Public schools
Statewide Implementation of School Threat Assessment in Florida, Final Technical Report
Readiness to Implement Evidence-Based Practices in Public Elementary Schools
Victimized Teachers’ Perceptions of Procedural Justice and the Impact on Satisfaction with School Responses
Student Violence Against Teachers in Large U.S. School Districts: Prevalence and Risk Factors
A Multi-year Characterization of Confiscated Vaping Products from Virginia School Youth
Evaluating Virtual Reality Enhancements of an Evidence-based Multi-tiered Aggression & Bullying Prevention Program
The Impacts of School Security Equipment on Students and Schools
Assessing the Implementation and Impact of Restorative Practices within a Multicomponent School Safety Approach
Breaking the School-To-Prison Pipeline: Implications of Removing Police from Schools for Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Justice System
Tools to Support Campus Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
Sexual violence is a significant criminal justice problem with long-term effects for its victims. In particular, sexual assault on or related to college campuses across the United States presents a growing public health and economic burden, starting with significant impacts on academic outcomes.
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Creating a Process for Equitable Action to Prevent School and Community Violence
Nashville Longitudinal Study of Youth Safety and Wellbeing
Examining the Efficacy of Circles on School Safety and Student Outcomes in Boston Public Schools: Final Report
The Distinction Between Transient and Substantive Student Threats
Evaluating Processes and Outcomes of Housing Models for Victims of Human Trafficking
Meet the OJP Science Directors: Nancy La Vigne and Alex Piquero Discuss the Future of Research and Statistics at the 2023 NIJ Research Conference
The directors of the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Statistics reflect on where they see the future of research and statistics and take questions from the audience, prioritizing those from student attendees.
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Campus Sexual Assault Responses (CSAR): Informing Trauma-Informed Policies, Protocols, and Training
Sexual violence is a significant criminal justice problem with long-term effects for its victims. In particular, sexual assault on or related to college campuses across the United States presents a growing public health and economic burden, starting with significant impacts on academic outcomes.
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Economic Justice for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
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Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Implications of Removing Police from Schoolsfor Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Justice System
Developing Knowledge about What Works for Make Schools Safe: Implementation and Evaluation of Tools for Life in Jackson Public School District in Mississippi
The Hidden Costs of Reentry: Understanding the Barriers to Removing a Criminal Record
NIJ hosted a webinar to discuss under-researched aspects of reentry: expungement of criminal records and the impact of those records. This webinar includes a presentation of ongoing research projects examining the impact of legal aid for expungement and past research projects studying the accuracy and permanency of criminal records and the prevalence of collateral consequences of conviction. A Q&A session will conclude this webinar.
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