NIJ Research and Evaluation on the Administration of Justice, Fiscal Year 2021
Drug Use and Pretrial Misconduct in New York City
Evaluation of the Breaking the Cycle Demonstration Project: Jacksonville, FL and Tacoma, WA
Using GPS in Domestic Violence Cases: Lessons From a Study of Pretrial Programs
Changing the Behavior of Drug-Involved Offenders: Supervision That Works
A small number of those who commit crimes are heavily involved in drugs commit a large portion of the crime in this country. An evaluation of a "smart supervision" effort in Hawaii that uses swift and certain sanctioning showed that individuals committing crimes who are heavily involved in drug use can indeed change their behavior when the supervision is properly implemented.
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Pretrial Research and Safety
After someone is arrested, the judge or other judicial officer decides whether the defendant can be released until the trial or must be detained. Holding defendants until trial generates extra jail expenses and sequesters the defendants before they have been found guilty in court. The justice system, however, also needs to ensure that a released defendant will not endanger the public or run away before...
Research on Videoconferencing for Pretrial Release Hearings, Version 1.0
Pretrial Research Meeting, May 22-23, 2007
Improving the Accuracy and Fairness of Pretrial Release Decisions: A Multi-Site Study of Risk Assessments Implemented in Four Counties
Informing The Utility of GPS Monitoring for Pretrial Probationary Supervision: An Examination of Reoffending and Collateral Consequences
Testing the Efficacy of Pretrial Diversion: A Randomized Trial at the San Francisco Neighborhood Courts
Setting Up for Success: Improving Defendant's Court Appearance Rates with Behaviorally-Informed Pretrial Notification Protocols
Prosecutor-Led Pretrial Diversion: Case Studies in Eleven Jurisdictions
NIJ's Multisite Evaluation of Prosecutor-Led Diversion Programs: Strategies, Impacts, and Cost-Effectiveness
NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on the Administration of Justice
NIJ seeks applications for funding investigator-initiated, interdisciplinary research and evaluation projects related to the administration of justice in three priority areas: (1) eyewitness evidence; (2) front-end intervention strategies (diversion and deflection, pretrial notification protocols and court appearance compliance, and justice system-led strategies aimed at young-adult offenders); and (3) enhancing investigation and prosecution (body worn cameras, and jury nullification). Strong applications that address the administration of...