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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


HOPE: A Swift and Certain Process for Probationers

Date Published
March 25, 2012

The HOPE program — Hawaii's Opportunity Probation with Enforcement — is an experimental probation program that emphasizes the delivery of "swift and certain" punishment when a probationer violates conditions of probation.

NIJ FY 12 Research and Evaluation on Justice Systems

Closing Date

This solicitation seeks proposals to examine topics relevant to State and/or local criminal and juvenile justice systems policy and practice. Specific focus areas under this solicitation for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 include: research on District Attorneys’ pretrial diversion programs (anticipates one award of up to $1 million); a pilot study on the impact of incarceration on families (anticipates one award of up to $500,000); and...

NIJ FY 11 Evaluation of the Honest Opportunity Probation with Enforcement Demonstration Field Experiment (HOPE DFE)

Closing Date
As part of a collaborative effort with the Bureau of Justice Assistance to implement and rigorously test important criminal justice interventions and programs, NIJ is seeking competitive proposals for a single award that will support a multi-site randomized controlled trial (RCT) program evaluation of the Honest Opportunity Probation With Enforcement (HOPE) demonstration field experiment (DFE). The DFE will examine the HOPE program's processes, outcomes, and...

Delays in Youth Justice

Date Published
September 2009
Publication Type
Literature Review, Case Study

NIJ FY08 ORE Research on Safe Community Release for Pretrial and Jail Populations

Closing Date
NIJ is soliciting applications for research and evaluation of pretrial and jail options that promote cost-effective alternatives to detention and incarceration and protect public safety. The Institute has identified the pretrial and jail release phases of the criminal justice system as an understudied research priority. It is at these stages that case management and other key decisions affecting detention, case outcome, and sentencing are made...