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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Law enforcement

NIJ FY 09 Advancing Criminal Justice Policy, Practice, and Technology

Closing Date

NIJ seeks applications for funding of specific innovative, high-payoff projects and activities fostering the adoption into practice of new, cutting-edge policy, practice, and/or technology related to: courts, crime and crime prevention, drugs and crime, forensic sciences, law enforcement, relevant technology and tools, and victims and victimization. 

NIJ FY09 Building and Enhancing Research Researcher-Practitioner/Policymaker Partnerships

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding to support criminal justice researcher-practitioner collaborations. Such partnerships have frequently been encouraged in solicitations for research. However, there is a need for intentional activities that effectively use lessons learned from previous partnerships to provide opportunities for creating, enhancing, and improving criminal justice researcher-practitioner partnerships. This solicitation is aimed at developing existing partnerships, establishing new partnerships, and capturing significant lessons...

NIJ FY09 Predictive Policing Analytic and Evaluation Research Support

Closing Date
NIJ's Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) is requesting proposals to provide analytic and evaluation support, as well as independent evaluation services to applicants selected for funding in the planning phase of the OST Predictive Policing program. Predictive policing includes strategies and tactics that improve the situational awareness of law enforcement concerning individuals or locations before criminal activity occurs. In a separate solicitation entitled, "Predictive...

NIJ FY09 Predictive Policing Demonstration and Evaluation Program

Closing Date

Predictive policing includes strategies and tactics that improve the situational awareness of law enforcement concerning individuals or locations before criminal activity occurs. NIJ seeks qualified applicants to develop and demonstrate predictive policing models that can be subjected to rigorous evaluation for criminal justice outcomes and impacts. Through a companion solicitation, NIJ will seek qualified applicants to act as an independent, multisite program evaluator for this...

NIJ FY 09 Biometrics Technologies: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking applications for funding the development and demonstration of a mobile, wireless device for law enforcement application capable of the simultaneous capture of four fingerprints in a manner compliant with the relevant sections of the draft "Mobile ID Device Best Practices Recommendations and Specifications (May 5, 2008)", to include data encryption. NIJ is especially interested in research and development proposals for technology to...

NIJ FY 09 Personal Protective Equipment: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding to research, develop, and demonstrate technologies that will enhance the safety of law enforcement officers and other criminal justice practitioners. This solicitation seeks proposals that focus specifically on the development and demonstration of a Tactical Officers' Full-Face Respirator, An improved, ergonomic full-face respirator capable of serving (1) as an air purifying respirator (APR) employing an integral/detachable filter and (2)...

Recovery Act: Research and Evaluation of Recovery Act State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications to establish a Criminal Justice Technology Center of Excellence for Information and Sensor Systems within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System (the "NLECTC System"). The Information and Sensor Systems Center will provide testing, evaluation, technology assistance, and other services with regard to information and sensor technologies intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies.See FAQs...